II. Definitions
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS, previously Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
- Severe, Chronic Pain and Disability of a limb (part or whole)
III. Pathophysiology
- Unclear mechanism
- Post-Traumatic inflammatory changes are present in CRPS
Genetic component is likely
- Another family member with CRPS is not uncommon
- Other mechanisms postulated
- Small fiber nerve injury
- Sympathetic Nervous System involvement
- Emotional response to painful to stimuli
IV. Epidemiology
V. Types
- Type I Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS1) or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (90% of cases)
- Not attributable to a specific nerve lesion
- Type II Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS2) or Causalgia
- Attributable to a specific nerve lesion
- However, resulting Allodynia and hyperalgesia does not follow a single nerve
VI. Risk Factors
- Local Trauma (most common)
- Limb Fracture (CRPS complicates up to 3-7% of Fractures)
- Colles Fracture (28% develop CRPS)
- Distal Radius Fracture (3-5% develop CRPS)
- Stab or Puncture Wound
- Animal Bite
- Limb Fracture (CRPS complicates up to 3-7% of Fractures)
- Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
- Routine surgery
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Malignancy with paraneoplastic syndrome
VII. Associated Conditions
- Psychiatric Conditions (esp. Major Depression)
- Present in up to half of CRPS cases, but does not appear to have a cause-effect relationship
VIII. Symptoms
- Limb pain
- Upper limb is affected in 60% of cases
- Burning, tingling, stabbing numbness or electric shock-like pain in the distal extremity
- Pain is typically out of proportion to initial injury
- Onset 4-6 weeks after a mild to moderate limb injury
- See precipitating injuries above
IX. Signs
- Pain
- Burning ache in a non-Dermatome pattern (early)
- Hyperalgesia (disproportionate pain to inciting event) develops
- Pain does not follow a single nerve innervation pattern (even when the initial cause was nerve related)
- Trophic Changes
- Autonomic instability varies by duration
- Same limb may have both warm and cold changes simultaneously
- Warm Changes (early, first 8 months)
- Warm, erythematous, edematous extremity (inflammation)
- Cold Changes (later, after 8 months)
- Cold, dusky, sweaty extremity
- Sensory Abnormalities
- Allodynia (exquisite sensitivity to slight touch)
- Hyperpathia or Hyperalgesia (severe pain from gentle pressure)
- Bony changes
X. Stages
- Mild (Days to weeks)
- Burning pain worse with movement
- Edema
- Muscle spasm
- Patchy Osteopenia may occur
- Usually self limited
- Moderate (weeks to months)
- Pain of local hyperesthesia
- Muscle wasting
- May radiate up extremity
- May affect contralateral extremity
- Skin cold and pale
- Abnormal bone scan
- Requires aggressive treatment
- Severe (weeks to months)
- Pain from cold and from touch of additional clothing
- Loss of mobility of several joints
- Psychiatric changes
- Aggressive management may be too late
XI. Imaging
- XRay (Changes in 85% of cases)
- Diffuse Osteopenia in 69% of cases (non-specific)
- Vascular Ultrasound
- Exclude other diagnoses (e.g. DVT, limb Claudication)
- Abnormal bone scan in 50-85% of cases
- However, not recommended for clinical evaluation of CRPS
XII. Differential Diagnosis
- See Acute Severe Pain Out of Proportion
- Musculoskeletal Condition
- Infection
- Osteomyelitis
- Septic Joint
- Soft tissue infection (abscess, Cellulitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis)
- Neurovascular conditions
- Compartment Syndrome
- Radiculopathy
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Postherpetic Neuralgia
- Charcot Foot
- Compression Neuropathy (e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Raynaud Disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (esp. with Phlegmasia Alba or Cerulea Dolens)
- Peripheral Arterial Disease (Claudication)
- Central spinal stenosis (pseudo-Claudication)
- Buerger Disease
XIII. Diagnosis: Budapest CRPS Criteria
- Pain disproportionate to inciting injury AND
- No other diagnosis explains signs and symptoms AND
- At least 1 Symptom in 3 of the 4 categories
- Sensory Abnormalities
- Allodynia (exquisite sensitivity to slight touch) OR
- Hyperpathia or Hyperalgesia (severe pain from mild pin prick)
- Vasomotor
- Temperature asymmetry OR
- Skin Color asymmetry or changes
- Edema or Sweat Changes (Sudomotor)
- Edema OR
- Sweating asymmetry or changes
- Motor or trophic changes
- Sensory Abnormalities
- At least 1 Sign in at 2 of 4 categories
- Sensory Abnormalities
- Allodynia
- Exquisite sensitivity to light touch OR
- Deep somatic pressure OR
- Joint range of motion
- Hyperpathia or Hyperalgesia
- Severe pain to pin prick
- Allodynia
- Vasomotor
- Temperature asymmetry OR
- Skin Color asymmetry or changes
- Edema or Sweat Changes (Sudomotor)
- Edema OR
- Sweating asymmetry or changes
- Motor or trophic changes
- Sensory Abnormalities
XIV. Management
- Active range of motion ("Move it OR lose it")
- Aggressive physical therapy with pain control
- Avoid immobilization (e.g. splints, slings)
- Physical therapy
- NSAIDS (e.g. Ibuprofen or Naprosyn )
- Acetaminophen
- Antiinflammatory: Medications with best evidence
- Oral Corticosteroids
- Supported by good quality evidence if given with first 6 months after onset
- Prednisone 30-40 mgh orally for 2 to 4 weeks
- Bisphosphonates (e.g. Pamidronate 60 mg IV for 1 dose)
- Supported by good quality evidence if given within first 6 months of symptoms
- Oral Corticosteroids
- Neuropathy agents
Topical Medications
- Topical Lidocaine Patch (Lidoderm 5% or the OTC Lidocare 4%)
- Topical Dimethyl sulfoxide cream (50%) applied for 2 months
- May act as free radical scavenger
- Novel medications (consult pain management specialists or rheumatology)
- Intravenous Immunoglobulin
- Lidocaine infusion
- Initial: 1.5 mg/kg (1-3 mg/kg) IV over 20-30 min
- Later: 0.2 to 2 mg/kg per hour
- Wallace (2000) Anesthesiology 92(1):75-83 [PubMed]
- Ferrini (2004) J Support Oncol 2(1): 90-4 [PubMed]
- Invasive measures (pain management procedures)
- Spinal cord stimulation
- Intrathecal Baclofen Pump
- Sympathetic Nerve block (Stellate Ganglion, Brachial Plexus, lumbar)
- Temporary relief
- Other measures
- TENS Unit (questionable efficacy)
- Mental health counseling for patient and family
XV. Prognosis
- Longterm Disability is common
- Only 20% can participate in prior activities (pain is the limiting factor in >70%)
- Schwartzman (2009) Clin J Pain 25(4): 273-80 [PubMed]
XVI. References
- Money and Glauser (2017) Crit Dec Emerg Med 31(1): 15-21
- Martin in Ruddy (2001) Kelley's Rheumatology, p. 503-4
- Bussa (2015) Acta Anesthesiol Scand 59(6): 685-97 [PubMed]
- Harden (2013) Pain Med 14(2): 180-229 [PubMed]
- Lloyd (2021) Am Fam Physician 104(1): 49-55 [PubMed]
- Raja (2002) Anesthesiology 96(5):1254-60 [PubMed]
- Turner-Stokes (2011) Clin Med 11(6):596-600 [PubMed]
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Definition (MSHCZE) | Tupá či intenzivní stálá bolest, obv. spojená s pocením a poruchou prokrvení v dané oblasti. Vzniká při poškození perif. nervu, jak přímém (trauma), tak nepřímém (porucha krevního zásobení). Srov. Sudeckův syndrom, neuralgie. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (MSH) | A complex regional pain syndrome characterized by burning pain and marked sensitivity to touch (HYPERESTHESIA) in the distribution of an injured peripheral nerve. Autonomic dysfunction in the form of sudomotor (i.e., sympathetic innervation to sweat glands), vasomotor, and trophic skin changes may also occur. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1359) |
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Croatian | KAUZALGIJA |
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Hungarian | Complex regionális fájdalom-syndroma II. típus, Causalgia |
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Ontology: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (C0034931)
Definition (MSHCZE) | Sudeckův syndrom, algodystrofický syndrom, syndrom rameno-ruka – komplikace některých úrazů horní končetiny, které se léčí znehybněním. V některých případech se příčina neprokáže. Projevuje se bolestmi a zánětlivým postižením ramena (periartritidou) a ruky. V počátcích jsou silné klidové bolesti, omezená pohyblivost, otok, zarudnutí, zvýšené pocení i růst nehtů, později dochází k tuhnutí kloubů a k vzniku kontraktur, atrofií, zkrácení šlach, bolesti postupně mizí, zůstává však výrazné funkční omezení a strukturální změny. Na kostech vzniká osteoporóza. Léčba by měla začít co nejrychleji, spočívá v rehabilitaci, fyzikální terapii, podávají se protizánětlivé léky, kalcitonin, důležitá je prevence. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | A rare neurologic syndrome characterized by burning pain, tenderness, swelling, and changes in the skin color and temperature of a body part or extremity. It is usually caused by injury or surgery. |
Definition (MSH) | A syndrome characterized by severe burning pain in an extremity accompanied by sudomotor, vasomotor, and trophic changes in bone without an associated specific nerve injury. This condition is most often precipitated by trauma to soft tissue or nerve complexes. The skin over the affected region is usually erythematous and demonstrates hypersensitivity to tactile stimuli and erythema. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1360; Pain 1995 Oct;63(1):127-33) |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
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ICD10 | M89.0 , G90.5 |
SnomedCT | 2103002, 50642008, 156849009, 192921009, 203492008, 403604006, 128079007, 393605009, 203490000, 15743005 |
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Spanish | distrofia refleja simpática de la extremidad superior, Distrofia simpática refleja, Distrofia simpática refleja del miembro superior, Distrofia simpática refleja no especificada, Síndrome de hombro y mano, Síndrome de dolor regional complejo tipo I, distrofia refleja simpática, distrofia refleja simpática (trastorno), distrofia simpática refleja, atrofia de Sudek (trastorno), atrofia de Sudek, síndrome de dolor regional complejo, tipo I, algodistrofia (trastorno), algodistrofia, atrofia de Sudeck, distrofia refleja simpática de la extremidad superior (trastorno), síndrome de Steinbrocker, síndrome hombro-mano, Atrofia de Sudeck, Distrofia Simpática Refleja, Síndrome de Dolor Regional Complejo Tipo I, Síndrome de Dolor Tipo I Regional Complejo, Síndrome de Hombro-Mano |
Dutch | reflex autonome dystrofie, Sudeck-atrofie, schouder- en handsyndroom, reflex autonome dystrofie van bovenste ledemaat, reflex autonome dystrofie, niet-gespecificeerd, complex regionaal pijn syndroom type I, Sudeck; atrofie, atrofie; Sudeck, hand-schouder; syndroom, schouder-hand; syndroom, syndroom; hand-schouder, syndroom; schouder-hand, Complex regionaal pijnsyndroom type I, Dystrofie, sympathische reflex-, Pijnsyndroom type I, regionaal complex, Reflexdystrofie, sympathische, Schouder-handsynroom, Sudeck-dystrofie, Sympathische reflexdystrofie |
French | Dystrophie réflexe sympathique, Algoneurodystrophie, non précisée, Atrophie de Sudeck, Syndrome de douleur régionale complexe de type I, Algoneurodystrophie d'un membre supérieur, Dystrophie sympathique réflexe, Atrophie osseuse de Südeck-Leriche, DSR (Dystrophie Sympathique Réflexe), Dystrophie sympathique réflexe post-traumatique, Ostéoporose algique de Südeck-Leriche, Ostéoporose algique post-traumatique, Ostéoporose douloureuse post-traumatique, Rhumatisme neuro-trophique, Rhumatisme neurotrophique, SDRC de type 1, SDRC de type I, Syndrome de Steinbroker, Syndrome de Südeck-Leriche, Syndrome de Südeck, Syndrome de douleur régionale complexe de type 1, Syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1, Syndrome épaule-main |
German | komplexes regionales Schmerzsyndrom Typ I, sympathische Reflexdystrophie, Sudeck-Atrophie, sympathische Reflexdystrophie einer oberen Gliedmasse, sympathische Reflexdystrophie, unspezifisch, Schulter-Hand-Syndrom, Sympathische Reflexdystrophie, Komplexes regionales Schmerzsyndrom, Typ I, Schmerzsyndrom Typ I, regionales komplexes, Sudeckatrophie |
Italian | Distrofia simpatica riflessa, Atrofia di Sudeck, Sindrome da dolore regionale complesso tipo I, Distrofia simpatica riflessa dell'arto superiore, Distrofia simpatica riflessa non specificata, Sindrome spalla-mano, Atrofia di Sudek, Distrofia simpatica riflessa (DSR), Sindrome della distrofia simpatetica riflessa, CPRS tipo I, Sindrome complessa del dolore regionale tipo I, Distrofia simpatetica riflessa |
Portuguese | Distrofia simpática reflexa, Distrofia simpática reflexa do membro superior, Síndrome ombro mão, Distrofia simpática reflexa NE, Síndrome de dor regional complexa Tipo I, Atrofia de Sudeck, Distrofia Simpática Reflexa, Síndrome da Dor Regional Complexa Tipo I, Síndrome de Ombro-Mão |
Japanese | ズーデック萎縮, 複合性局所疼痛症候群1型, 上肢の反射性交感神経性ジストロフィー, 反射性交感神経性ジストロフィー、詳細不明, 肩手症候群, ハンシャセイコウカンシンケイセイジストロフィー, ハンシャセイコウカンシンケイセイジストロフィーショウサイフメイ, フクゴウセイキョクショトウツウショウコウグン1ガタ, ズーデックイシュク, ケンシュショウコウグン, ジョウシノハンシャセイコウカンシンケイセイジストロフィー, 反射性交感神経性異栄養症, 交感神経反射性ジストロフィー, 交感神経性異栄養症-反射性, 反射性交感神経性ジストロフィー, 反射性交感神経性ジストロフィ, 疼痛性ジストロフィー症候群, 反射性交感神経性萎縮症, 交感神経反射性異栄養症, Sudeck萎縮, 交感神経性ジストロフィー-反射性 |
Swedish | Reflektorisk sympatisk dystrofi |
Finnish | Sympaattinen refleksidystrofia |
Czech | Reflexní sympatická dystrofie, blíže neurčená, Syndrom rameno-ruka, Syndrom komplexní regionální bolesti typu I, Sympatická reflexní dystrofie, Reflexní sympatická dystrofie horní končetiny, Sudeckova atrofie, Sudeckova dystrofie, reflexní neurovaskulární dystrofie, syndrom rameno-ruka, reflexní sympatická dystrofie, Sudeckův syndrom, syndrom reflexní algodystrofie |
Polish | Zespół algodystroficzny, Choroba Sudecka, Zespół ramię-ręka, Algodystrofia, Zespół Sudecka |
Hungarian | Felső végtag reflex dystrophiája, Complex regionális fájdalom- syndroma, I. típus, Sudeck-atrophia, Reflex dystrophia, Reflex dystrophia, nem meghatározott, Kéz-váll syndroma |
Norwegian | Sudecks atrofi, Komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom type 1, Komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom type I, Sympatisk refleksdystrofi |
Ontology: Complex Regional Pain Syndromes (C0458219)
Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition. It causes intense pain, usually in the arms, hands, legs, or feet. It may happen after an injury, either to a nerve or to tissue in the affected area. Rest and time may only make it worse. Symptoms in the affected area are
The cause of CRPS is unknown. There is no specific diagnostic test. Your doctor will diagnose CRPS based on your signs and symptoms. There is no cure. It can get worse over time, and may spread to other parts of the body. Occasionally it goes away, either temporarily or for good. Treatment focuses on relieving the pain, and can include medicines, physical therapy, and nerve blocks. NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke |
Definition (MSH) | Conditions characterized by pain involving an extremity or other body region, HYPERESTHESIA, and localized autonomic dysfunction following injury to soft tissue or nerve. The pain is usually associated with ERYTHEMA; SKIN TEMPERATURE changes, abnormal sudomotor activity (i.e., changes in sweating due to altered sympathetic innervation) or edema. The degree of pain and other manifestations is out of proportion to that expected from the inciting event. Two subtypes of this condition have been described: type I; (REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY) and type II; (CAUSALGIA). (From Pain 1995 Oct;63(1):127-33) |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D020918 |
SnomedCT | 128200000 |
Dutch | complex regionaal pijn syndroom, Complex regionaal pijnsyndroom, Pijnsyndromen, regionale complexe, Pijnsyndroom, regionaal complex, Regionaal pijnsyndroom, complex, Regionale pijnsyndromen, complexe, Syndromen, regionale complexe pijn-, Syndroom, regionaal complex pijn- |
French | Syndrome de douleurs régionales complexes, SDRC, Syndrome de douleur régionale complexe, Syndrome douloureux régional complexe (SDRC ), Syndrome douloureux régional complexe |
Italian | Sindrome da dolore regionale complesso, CRPS (Sindromi da dolore regionale complesso), Sindromi da dolore regionale complesso |
Portuguese | Síndrome de dor regional complexa, Crps, Síndromes da Dor Regional Complexa |
Spanish | Síndrome de dolor regional complejo, Crps, síndrome de dolor regional complejo (trastorno), síndrome de dolor regional complejo, Síndromes de Dolor Regional Complejo, Síndromes Dolorosos Complejo Regional |
Japanese | 複合性局所疼痛症候群, フクゴウセイキョクショトウツウショウコウグン, Complex Regional Pain症候群, Regional Complex Pain症候群 |
Swedish | Komplext regionalt smärtsyndrom |
Czech | komplexní regionální syndromy bolesti, Syndrom komplexní regionální bolesti, komplexní regionální bolestivý syndrom, bolestivý syndrom, komplexní regionální |
Finnish | Monimuotoiset alueelliset kipuoireyhtymät |
English | Complex regional pain syndrome NOS, CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes), Complex Regional Pain Syndromes, Pain Syndromes, Regional Complex, Complex Regional Pain Syndromes [Disease/Finding], complexed pain regional syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, pain regional complex syndrome, complex pain regional syndrome, complex regional pain syndromes, regional complex pain syndrome, CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), Complex regional pain syndrome, Complex regional pain syndromes, Complex regional pain syndrome (disorder), Complex regional pain syndromes (disorder) |
Polish | Zespoły bólowe złożone lokalne, Lokalne zespoły bólowe, Zespoły bólowe miejscowe |
Hungarian | Komplex regionális fájdalom syndroma |
Norwegian | Smertesyndromer, komplekse, regionale, Komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom |
German | Komplexe umschriebene Schmerzsyndrome, Schmerzsyndrome, umschriebene komplexe, komplexes regionales Schmerzsyndrom |