II. Definitions
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
- Localized musculoskeletal pain, typically to a few regional Trigger Points
- Contrast with Fibromyalgia which is diagnosed with multiple generalized Tender Points and constitutional symptoms
III. Epidemiology
- Peak onset: ages 30 to 60 years
- Very common cause of Chronic Pain
- Very common syndrome in general population
- In one outpatient studty, Myofascial Pain was responsible for 30% of musculoskeletal pain presentations
- Skootsky (1989) West J Med 151(2): 157-60 [PubMed]
IV. Symptoms
- Localized pain, limited to a few tight regions of spasm and Trigger Points
- Constitutional symptoms (Fatigue, Insomnia, Headache, gastrointestinal upset) are typically absent
V. Signs
- See Chronic Pain Evaluation
Trigger Points
- See Trigger Point Location
- Trigger Points are central to Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Back Muscles are most commonly involved (esp. trapezius Muscle)
VI. Differential Diagnosis
VII. Associated Conditions
VIII. Management (See Chronic Pain)
- Fibromyalgia Non-Pharmacologic Management
- Fibromyalgia Pharmacologic Management
- See Stretch and Spray
- See Trigger Point Injection
- Deep Massage Therapy (20-30 pounds of force)
- Reduces overall Trigger Point related pain, but variable effect on Tension Headache
- Moraska (2015) Clin J Pain 31(2): 159-68 [PubMed]
- Moraska (2017) Am J Phys Med Rehabil 96(9): 639-45 [PubMed]
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- Muscle Energy Technique
- Counter Strain Technique
- Joints and Muscles are manipulated away from a restrictive barrier toward a less restrictive position
- Once Trigger Point pain decreases, position is held for 90 seconds, and then return to a neutral position
- Physical Therapy
- Overall reduction in Trigger Point related pain
- Guzman-Pavon (2022) Pain Med 23(1): 137-43 [PubMed]
- Regular Exercise Program
- Aerobic Exercise
- Active and Passive Stretching
- Posture enhancing Exercises
- Medications
IX. References
- Fomby (1997) Physician and Sports Med 25(2):67-75
- Shipton (2023) Am Fam Physician 107(2): 159-64 [PubMed]
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