Definition (NCI)
Abnormal lightening of skin due to decreased melanin production or deposition. Vitiligo, albinism, and leukoderma are among the disorders that are associated with skin hypopigmentation.
Definition (NCI)
Loss of all color from the skin.
Definition (NCI_CTCAE)
A disorder characterized by loss of skin pigment.
Definition (MSH)
A condition caused by a deficiency or a loss of melanin pigmentation in the epidermis, also known as hypomelanosis. Hypopigmentation can be localized or generalized, and may result from genetic defects, trauma, inflammation, or infections.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
, D014820 |
SnomedCT |
23006000, 297951005, 89031001, 18655006, 201284005 |
English |
Hypopigmentation, Hypomelanosis, Hypopigmented skin, Hypopigmentation disorder, Hypopigmentation of skin, skin hypopigmentation (physical finding), skin hypopigmentation, Skin hypopigmentation, Skin Hypopigmentation, Hypopigmentation [Disease/Finding], depigmentation, leucoderma, leucodermas, leukoderma, skin hypopigment, hypomelanosis, hypopigmentation, hypopigmentation skin, hypopigmented skin, Hypopigmentation disorders, Hypomelanoses, Dermal depigmentation, Pigment Dilution, Leukoderma, Depigmentation, Leucoderma, Skin depigmented, Skin hypopigmented, Depigmentation (morphologic abnormality), Achromoderma, Hypopigmentation (morphologic abnormality), Hypopigmentation disorder (disorder), Skin depigmented (finding), Skin hypopigmented (disorder), Hypopigmentation of skin, NOS, Hypopigmentation, NOS |
Italian |
Disturbi da ipopigmentazione, Ipopigmentazione della cute, Ipomelanosi, Ipopigmentazione, Vitiligine |
Dutch |
hypomelanose, huidhypopigmentatie, hypopigmentatieaandoeningen, Hypopigmentatie |
German |
Hypomelanose, Hauthypopigmentierung, Hypopigmentationserkrankungen, Hypopigmentation, Pigmentierung, verminderte, Vitiligo |
Portuguese |
Hipomelanose, Afecções de hipopigmentação, Hipopigmentação cutânea, Vitiligo, Hipopigmentação |
Spanish |
Hipomelanosis, despigmentación (anomalía morfológica), despigmentación cutánea (hallazgo), despigmentación cutánea, despigmentación, hipomelanosis, hipopigmentación (anomalía morfológica), hipopigmentación de la piel (trastorno), hipopigmentación de la piel, hipopigmentación, trastorno de hipopigmentación (trastorno), trastorno de hipopigmentación, Alteraciones cutáneas con hipopigmentación, Hipopigmentación de la piel, Hipopigmentación |
Japanese |
皮膚色素減少, メラニン減少症, 色素欠乏症, ヒフシキソゲンショウ, メラニンゲンショウショウ, シキソケツボウショウ, 色素沈着低下 |
Swedish |
Czech |
hypopigmentace, vitiligo, Hypomelanóza, Hypopigmentové poruchy, Kožní hypopigmentace, snížená pigmentace |
Finnish |
Hypopigmentaatio, Valkopälvi |
Russian |
Croatian |
Not Translated[Hypopigmentation], VITILIGO |
Polish |
Hungarian |
Hypopigmentáció betegségei, Hypomelanosis, Bőr hypopigmentatio |
Norwegian |
Vitiligo, Hypomelanose, Hypopigmentering |
French |
Hypopigmentation cutanée, Troubles d'hypopigmentation, Hypopigmentation, Vitiligo, Hypomélanose |