II. Causes: Burning Tongue with no lesions
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Tobacco Abuse
- Early non-specific Glossitis
- Menopausal Glossitis
- Heavy Metal Poisoning
- Diabetes Mellitus
III. Causes: Tongue Pain from deep lesion
- Sialolithiasis of submaxillary or Sublingual Gland
- Foreign body
- Myositis of lingual Muscles
- Trichinosis
- Periostitis of Hyoid Bone
- Lingual Muscle neoplasm
IV. Causes: Tongue Pain from localized superficial lesions
- Tongue biting
- Lingual frenulum Trauma
- Dental ulcer
- Foreign body (e.g. fish bone)
- Ranula
- Epithelioma or carcinoma
- Tuberculosis ulcer
- Herpes Simplex Stomatitis
- Vincent's Stomatitis (ANUG)
- Leukoplakia
- Candida albicans (Thrush)
- Vesiculoerosive lesions
V. Causes: Tongue Pain from generalized disease
- Atrophic Glossitis
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Leukemia
- Collagen vascular disease
- Lichen Planus
- Scarlet Fever
- Heavy Metal Poisoning
- Dilantin
- Uremia
- Antibiotic sensitivity
- Amyloidosis
- Celiac Sprue
- Sarcioidosis
- Sjogren Syndrome
- Nutritional deficiency
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Related Studies
Definition (MSH) | Painful sensations in the tongue, including a sensation of burning. |
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
MSH | D005926 |
ICD9 | 529.6 |
ICD10 | K14.6 |
SnomedCT | 196590006, 111349000, 155667007, 266496009, 280881000009107, 30731004, 399044006 |
English | Glossalgias, Glossodynia, Glossodynias, TONGUE PAIN, Glossalgia, glossodynia, glossodynia (diagnosis), Pain tongue, Sore tongue, Tongue sore, Glossalgia [Disease/Finding], soreness of tongue, tongue soreness, painful tongue, Pain;tongue, tongue sore, sore tongue, Tongue pain, Tongue painful, Pain of tongue (finding), Pain of tongue, Painful tongue, Soreness of tongue, Glossodynia (disorder), glossalgia, pain; tongue, tongue; pain, tongue pain |
French | GLOSSALGIE, Langue douloureuse, Sensibilité de la langue, Langue endolorie, Glossalgie, Glossodynie |
Dutch | tongpijn, pijnlijke tong, pijn tong, pijn; tong, tong; pijn, glossodynia, Glossalgie, Glossodynie |
German | Schmerz, Zunge, Zungenschmerz, Zunge schmerzhaft, schmerzhafte Zunge, ZUNGE SCHMERZHAFT, Glossalgie, Glossodynie, Zungenbrennen |
Italian | Dolore alla lingua, Glossodinia, Glossalgia |
Portuguese | Dor na língua, Ferida da língua, LINGUA DOLOROSA, Glossodinia, Glossalgia |
Spanish | Lengua dolorosa, Dolor de lengua, Dolor lingual, LENGUA, DOLOR, glosalgia, glosodinia (trastorno), glosodinia, lengua dolorosa, lengua ulcerada, Glosodinia, Glosalgia |
Swedish | Tungsmärta |
Japanese | ゼッツウ, ゼツツウ, 舌痛, 灼熱舌 |
Czech | glosalgie, bolest jazyka, Glosodynie, Bolest jazyka |
Finnish | Glossalgia |
Korean | 설통 |
Polish | Glossodynia, Bóle języka, Glossalgia |
Hungarian | Nyelvfájdalom, Glossodynia, Nyelv fájdalom, Nyelv fájdalma, Nyelv fájás |
Norwegian | Glossodyni, Tungesmerter, Glossalgi |
Ontology: Glossitis (C0017675)
Definition (NCI) | Inflammation of the tongue. |
Definition (MSH) | Inflammation of the tongue. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D005928 |
ICD9 | 529.0 |
ICD10 | K14.0 |
SnomedCT | 196583001, 155666003, 45534005 |
English | Glossitides, GLOSSITIS, TONGUE INFLAMMATION, Glossitis NOS, Glossitis, glossitis (diagnosis), glossitis, Inflammation tongue, Tongue inflammation, inflammation of tongue (physical finding), inflammation of tongue, Glossitis [Disease/Finding], inflammation tongue, tongue inflammation, Glossitis NOS (disorder), Tongue inflamed, Inflammation of tongue, Glossitis (disorder), inflammation; tongue, tongue; inflammation, Glossitis, NOS |
French | GLOSSITE, Inflammation de la langue, INFLAMMATION DE LA LANGUE, Glossite |
Portuguese | GLOSSITE, Inflamação da língua, INFLAMACAO DA LINGUA, Glossite |
Spanish | GLOSITIS, Inflamación de lengua, Inflamación de la lengua, LENGUA INFLAMADA, glositis, SAI, glositis, SAI (trastorno), glositis (trastorno), glositis, Glositis |
German | GLOSSITIS, Zungenentzuendung, Entzuendung der Zunge, ZUNGE ENTZUENDET, Glossitis, Zungenentzündung |
Dutch | tongontsteking, ontsteking tong, ontsteking; tong, tong; ontsteking, glossitis, Glossitis |
Italian | Infiammazione della lingua, Glossite |
Japanese | 舌炎, 舌の炎症, ゼツエン, シタノエンショウ |
Swedish | Tunginflammation |
Czech | zánět jazyka, glositida, Zánět jazyka, Glositida |
Finnish | Kielitulehdus |
Korean | 설염 |
Polish | Zapalenie języka |
Hungarian | Glossitis, Nyelv gyulladása, Nyelvgyulladás |
Norwegian | Tungebetennelse, Glossitt |