II. Epidemiology
Dental Caries occur in 23% of children age 2 to 5 years
- Risk is two-fold in low income families
III. Guidelines: Prenatal (Maintain maternal Oral Health)
- Lowers infant colonization of mutans streptococci
- Refer mother for Dental Caries or Periodontal Disease
- Preventive measures
- ToothBrushing and flossing
- Fluoride mouth rinse (e.g. ACT)
- Xylitol chewing gum qid
IV. Guidelines: Birth to 6 months
- Do not prop bottles
- Use only Breast Milk or formula in bottles (no juice)
- Avoid formulas that contain sucrose
V. Guidelines: 6 months and older
- See Teething
- Perform Oral Health risk assessment (AAP) at 6-9 months
Dentistry referral
- High risk for caries: Start dental visits at 1 year
- Low risk for caries: Start dental visits at 3 years (some recommend 1 year start for all children)
- Fluoride dental varnish application yearly after Tooth Eruption
Oral Exam at each Well Child Visit
- Child lies supine on table
- Examine from head of bed (intubation position)
- Observe for altered tooth appearance
- Yellow-Brown cavities or erosions in teeth
- White lines or spots in the enamel
- Child lies supine on table
- Preventive measures
- Introduce early Tooth Brushing
- Fluoride Supplementation if inadequate water supply
- Fluoride Varnish
- Recommended by USPTF after Primary Teeth have erupted in infants and children
- USPSTF recommends that primary care clinicians apply fluoride varnish
- Apply to teeth every 6 months from time of eruption until age 5 years
- Sodium Fluoride 5% is most commonly used
- Davidson (2021) JAMA 326(21):2172-78 +PMID: 34874412 [PubMed]
- Tooth Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste (with caution to prevent Fluorosis)
- Limit toothpaste amounts for young children
- Use no toothpaste or rice grain-size for under age 3 years old
- Use pea sized or less amount of toothpaste for ages 3-6 years old
- Age under 3 years: Parent brushes childs teeth without toothpaste (or rice-grain size)
- Age 3-6 years: Brush with pea-size amount of low fluoride toothpaste
- Age over 6 years: Brush with regular fluoride toothpaste
- Limit toothpaste amounts for young children
- Baby bottle related prevention
- Discontinue bottle after 12 months of age
- Avoid putting child to bed with bottle
- Encourage use of cup by age 1 year
- Wipe infant's teeth with moist cloth after feedings
- Dietary measures
- Schedule meals and snacks
- Avoid Simple Sugars outside of scheduled times
- Limit juice to <4-6 ounces per day
- Avoid carbonated beverages
- Only milk or tap water between meals