Definition (NCI_CDISC)
Transposition of the great vessels is a congenital heart defect in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed (transposed).
Definition (NCI)
A congenital cardiac defect in which two heart vessels are reversed (transposed).
Definition (CSP)
congenital cardiovascular malformation in which the aorta arises entirely from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle so that the venous return from the peripheral circulation is recirculated by the right ventricle via the aorta without being oxygenated in the lungs.
Definition (MSH)
A congenital cardiovascular malformation in which the AORTA arises entirely from the RIGHT VENTRICLE, and the PULMONARY ARTERY from the LEFT VENTRICLE. Consequently, the pulmonary and the systemic circulations are parallel and not sequential, so that the venous return from the peripheral circulation is re-circulated by the right ventricle via aorta to the systemic circulation without being oxygenated in the lungs. This is a potentially lethal form of heart disease in newborns and infants.
Concepts |
Congenital Abnormality
ICD9 |
745.10, 745.1 |
SnomedCT |
204304005, 268317005, 156917005, 268176002, 26146002, 204297006 |
English |
Great Vessels Transpositions, transposition of great vessel, AORTA-PULMONARY ART TRANSPOSITION, TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSELS, Transposition of great vessels, Complete transpos gt arteries, Complete transposition of great arteries, Discord va conn + concord av, Discordt ventric/arterial connct + concordt atriovent connct, Great vessel transposition NOS, Total great vessel transpositn, transposition of great artery, complete transposition of great arteries (diagnosis), complete transposition of great arteries, complete transposition of great vessels (diagnosis), complete transposition of great vessels, Aorta-pulmonary art transposition, Aorta-pulmonary arterial transposition, Transposition aorta-pulmonary artery, Transposition of the great vessels, Compl transpos great ves, Transposition of Great Vessels [Disease/Finding], Great Arteries Transposition, Transposition of Great Arteries, Dextro Looped Transposition of the Great Arteries, Great Arteries Transpositions, Dextro-Looped Transposition of the Great Arteries, arteris great transposition, great transposition vessel, transposition great arteries, Transposition;great vessels, transposition great vessels, transposition of great arteries, arteries great transposition, artery great transposition, great transposition vessels, transposition of great vessels, Great Vessels Transposition, Transposition of Great Vessels, Great vessel transposition NOS (disorder), Complete transposition of great vessels, Classical transposition of great vessels, Discordant ventriculoarterial connection with concordant atrioventricular connection, Total great vessel transposition, Complete TGA, Complete transposition of great vessels (disorder), Total great vessel transposition (disorder), Transposition of the great arteries, great vessels; transposition, transposition; great vessels, Transposition of great vessels, classical, Transposition of great vessels, NOS |
Portuguese |
TRANSPOSICAO DOS GRANDES VASOS, Transposição aorta-artéria pulmonar, Transposição completa dos grandes vasos, Transposição de grandes vasos, TRANSPOSICAO ART AORTA-PULMONAR, Transposição dos grandes vasos, Transposição dos Grandes Vasos |
Dutch |
volledige grote vatentranspositie, transpositie van aorta-longslagader, transpositie van grote vaten, aorta-longslagadertranspositie, grote vaten; transpositie, transpositie; grote vaten, transpositie van de grote vaten, Arterie, transpositie grote, Transpositie, grote arteriën |
French |
Transposition des gros vaisseaux aorto-pulmonaires, Transposition complète des grands vaisseaux, Transposition de l'artère aorto-pulmonaire, TGV (Transposition des Gros Vaisseaux), TRANSPOS ARTERIELLE AORTO-PULMONA, TRANSPOSITION DES GROS VAISSEAUX, Transposition des gros vaisseaux, Discordance ventriculo-artérielle isolée, Discordance ventriculoartérielle isolée |
German |
Transposition von Aorta und Pulmonalarterie, komplette Transposition der grossen Gefaesse, Aorta und Pulmonalarterie, Transposition, TRANSPOSITION AORTA/ARTERIA PULMO, TRANSPOSITION GROSSE HERZGEFAESSE, Transposition der grossen Gefaesse, Transposition der großen Gefäße |
Italian |
Trasposizione arteriosa aorto-polmonare, Trasposizione completa dei grossi vasi, Trasposizione dei grossi vasi |
Spanish |
Transposición arterial aorto pulmonar, Transposición de grandes vasos, Transposición completa de los grandes vasos, TRANSPOSICION ARTERIAS AORTA-PULM, TRANSPOSICION GRANDES VASOS, Transposición de las arterias pulmonar y aórtica, transposición de los grandes vasos, SAI, transposición de los grandes vasos, SAI (trastorno), transposición clásica de los grandes vasos, transposición completa de los grandes vasos (trastorno), transposición completa de los grandes vasos, transposición de los grandes vasos, transposición total de los grandes vasos (trastorno), transposición total de los grandes vasos, Transposición de los grandes vasos, Transposición de los Grandes Vasos |
Russian |
Japanese |
大血管転位, 大動脈・肺動脈転位, 完全大血管転位, ダイケッカンテンイ, ダイドウミャクハイドウミャクテンイ, カンゼンダイケッカンテンイ |
Swedish |
Transposition av de stora kärlen
Czech |
transpozice velkých cév, Aortopulmonální arteriální transpozice, Aortopulmonální transpozice, Transpozice velkých cév, Úplná transpozice velkých cév, transpozice velkých tepen |
Finnish |
Valtasuonten vaihtuminen
Polish |
Przełożenie pni tętniczych
Hungarian |
Aortopulmonalis transpositio, Nagyér transpositio, Nagyerek transpositiója, Transpositio aorta-pulmonalis arteria, Arterialis aorta-pulmonalis transpositio, Nagy erek teljes transpositiója |
Norwegian |
Transposisjon av de store arteriene