II. Indications

III. Medications

  1. Alcaftadine (Lastacraft, OTC as of 2022) 0.25% one drop in each eye daily
  2. Azelastine 0.05% one drop twice daily
  3. Bepotastine (Bepreve) 1.5% 1 drop each eye twice daily
  4. Epinastine (Elestat) 0.05% 1 drop each eye twice daily
  5. Naphazoline (Vasocon, Naphcon) 1 drop twice to four times daily prn

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Cost: Medications

naphcon (on 5/18/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
epinastine (on 12/21/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
EPINASTINE HCL 0.05% EYE DROPS Generic $12.76 per ml
bepotastine (on 12/21/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
BEPOTASTINE 1.5% EYE DROP Generic $24.05 per ml
bepreve (on 1/1/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
BEPREVE 1.5% EYE DROPS Generic $22.67 per ml