II. Pathophysiology
- S3 sound represents rapid passive ventricular filling
- Occurs as ventricles start to expand during early diastole
- Outside of normal causes (see below), typically represents ventricular overfilling
- Associated with a dilated ventricle and Systolic Dysfunction
III. Signs
- S1, S2, S3 sound like "Ken-tuck-y" (lub-dub-dub)
IV. Technique
- Best heard in left lateral decubitus position
V. Causes
- Normal
- Age under 40 years
- Third Trimester of pregnancy
- Left or Right Ventricle Volume Overload
- Mitral Regurgitation
- Tricuspid Regurgitation
- Congestive Heart Failure
VI. Resources
- University of Michigan Heart Sound and Murmur Library