II. Indications
- Chest Pain Evaluation (risk stratification)
III. Criteria (assign one point for each positive)
- Age 65 years old or older
- Aspirin used in the last 7 days
- Angina occurred 2 or more times in the last 24 hours
- ST changes 0.5mm or more on admit EKG
- Serum Troponin or other biomarker elevated
- Coronary Artery Disease history (with at least 50% Coronary Artery stenosis)
- Cardiac Risk Factors with at least 3 present (e.g. Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, premature CAD Family History, Tobacco Abuse)
IV. Interpretation (2 week subsequent risk of death, Myocardial Infarction or need for revascularization)
- Score 0-1: 4.7% risk
- Score 2: 8.3% risk
- Score 3: 13.2% risk
- Score 4: 19.9% risk
- Score 5: 26.2% risk
- Score 6-7: 40.9% risk
V. Efficacy
- Inconsistent results when applied to Low Risk Chest Pain in the emergency department
VI. Resources
- TIMI Risk Score Calculator