II. Indication
- Evaluation of Cardioinhibitory Syncope
III. Contraindications
- Absolute Contraindications
- Myocardial Infarction
- Transient Ischemic Attack (in last 3 months)
- Cerebrovascular Accident (in last 3 months)
- Carotid ArteryOcclusion
- Ventricular Fibrillation history
- Ventricular Tachycardia history
- Previous adverse reaction to Carotid Sinus Massage
- Relative Contraindications
- Carotid Bruit
- Evaluate Carotid Bruit prior to massage
- Perform carotid Ultrasound
- Carotid Stenosis or atheroma suggests risk
- Obtain Informed Consent if massage performed
IV. Monitoring during carotid massage
- Parameters followed
- Continuous Electrocardiogram
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Timing of monitoring
- Obtain baseline values prior to carotid massage
V. Precautions
- Never massage both carotids simultaneously
- Always ascertain both carotids as pulsatile in advance
- See Contraindications above
- Stop procedure for severe complications (see below)
- Confirm adequate equipment Needed
- Equipment for monitoring (see below)
- ACLS crash cart with Defibrillator
VI. Technique
- Patient positioning
- Test 1: Patient supine
- Test 2: Repeat test with patient at 60-70 degrees upright (allow equilibration for 5 minutes prior to massage)
- Indicated if Test 1 was non-diagnostic
- Initiate monitoring as above
- Identify carotid sinus location at midpoint between:
- Start with carotid sinus on right side
- Massage location firmly but gently
- Use same pressure that would indent tennis ball
- Do not apply so much pressure to occlude carotid
- Continue massage for 5 second period
- Record findings
- Symptoms of Syncope or Presyncope
- Mark massage period on Electrocardiogram
- Continue EKG until Heart Rate returns to baseline
- Record lowest systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure
- Occurs within 15 seconds of massage
- Massage location firmly but gently
- Repeat same procedure for other positions
- Repeat baseline monitoring values as above
- Repeat Carotid Sinus Massage of left side
- Repeat baseline monitoring values
- Observe patient in supine position for 10 minutes
VII. Complications (indications to stop procedure)
Asystole longer than 3 seconds
- Administer precordial thump for prolonged Asystole
- Neurologic sequelae (Cerebral Infarction)
- Administer Aspirin
- Observe closely
VIII. Findings: Positive test
- See Cardioinhibitory Syncope
- Paroxysmal AV Block or Asystole 3 or more seconds
Blood Pressure decreases from baseline
- Systolic Blood Pressure drops 50 mmHg or
- Diastolic Blood Pressure drops 30 mmHg
- Symptoms of Syncope or Presyncope with procedure
IX. References
- Degowin (1987) Diagnostic Exam, Macmillan, p. 837-8
- O'Shea (2001) J Am Geriatr Soc 49:236-7 [PubMed]
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