II. Anatomy: Bowel Wall Layers

  1. Longitudinal Muscle (outer layer)
  2. Myenteric PLexus (Auerbach's Plexus)
  3. Circular Muscle
  4. Submucosa
  5. Submucosal Plexus (Meissner's Plexus)
  6. Epithelium (inner layer)

III. Components

  1. Small Bowel
    1. Duodenum
    2. Jejunum
    3. Ileum
  2. Large Bowel
    1. Cecum
    2. Ascending Colon
    3. Transverse Colon
    4. Descending Colon
    5. Sigmoid Colon
    6. Rectum

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Related Studies

Ontology: Intestinal Diseases (C0021831)

Definition (NCI) A non-neoplastic or neoplastic disorder that affects the small or large intestine.
Definition (MSH) Pathological processes in any segment of the INTESTINE from DUODENUM to RECTUM.
Definition (CSP) pathologic disorders in the section of the alimentary canal from the duodenum to the anus; includes all disorders of large and small intestines.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D007410
ICD9 569.9
ICD10 K63.9
SnomedCT 85919009, 266483008, 197266001, 155629009
English Disease, Intestinal, Diseases, Intestinal, Intestinal Disease, Unspecified disorder of intestine, intestine disorder, Intestinal disorders NOS, Disease of intestine, unspecified, INTESTINAL DIS, Disease of intestine, Intestinal disorder NOS, Intestinal Diseases [Disease/Finding], disease intestines, Disease;bowel, bowel disease, bowels disease, disease bowel, disorder intestine, disorders intestinal, disorders intestine, bowel diseases, diseases of the intestinal tract, bowel disorders, bowels disorders, disease intestine, diseases intestines, intestinal tract diseases, disease intestinal, bowels diseases, intestinal disorders, bowel disorder, disorders bowel, diseases intestine, disorders intestines, intestine disease, bowel dysfunction, diseases intestinal tract, disorder intestinal, intestinal disease, intestinal diseases, Intestinal Diseases, intestinal disorder (diagnosis), intestinal disorder, Intestinal disorders NOS (disorder), Intestines--Diseases, Intestinal disease, Enteropathy, bowel; disease, disease (or disorder); bowel, disease (or disorder); intestine, enteropathy, intestine; disease, Disease of intestine, NOS, Enteropathy, NOS, Disorder of intestine, Disease of intestine (disorder), Disorder of intestine (disorder), Bowel Disorders, Intestinal Disorder
Dutch niet-gespecificeerde aandoening van ingewanden, aandoening; darm, aandoening; intestinaal, darm; aandoening, intestinaal; aandoening, Darmziekte, niet gespecificeerd, Darmziekte, Darmziekten, Ziekte, darm-, Ziekten, darm-
French Affection intestinale non précisée, Maladies intestinales, Entéropathies, Maladies de l'intestin, Maladies des intestins
German unspezifische Erkrankung des Darms, Darmkrankheit, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Darmkrankheiten, Intestinalkrankheiten
Portuguese Afecção NE do intestino, Enteropatias
Spanish Trastorno no especificado del intestino, enfermedad del intestino (trastorno), trastornos intestinales, SAI (trastorno), trastornos intestinales, SAI, enteropatía, trastorno del intestino (trastorno), trastorno del intestino, trastorno intestinal, enfermedad del intestino, Enfermedades Intestinales
Japanese 詳細不明の腸障害, ショウサイフメイノチョウショウガイ
Swedish Tarmsjukdomar
Italian Disturbi non specificati dell'intestino, Malattie intestinali
Finnish Suoliston sairaudet
Czech Blíže neurčená střevní porucha, nemoci střev, střeva - nemoci
Korean 상세불명의 창자 질환
Polish Choroby jelit
Hungarian Bél nem meghatározott betegsége
Norwegian Tarmsykdommer

Ontology: Intestines (C0021853)

Definition (MSHCZE) Část zažívacího traktu od ŽALUDKU po ANÁLNÍ KANÁL. Tento pojem zahrnuje jak STŘEVO TLUSTÉ tak i STŘEVO TENKÉ. Úsek trávicího ústrojí, v němž probíhá velká část trávení a vstřebávání živin a vody. Je dlouhé několik metrů a dělí se na dvě hlavní části, tenké střevo (i. tenue) a tlusté střevo (i. crassum). Základní stavba obou částí střeva je v zásadě podobná. Vnitřní částí je sliznice, pod níž je podslizniční vazivo (submukóza) a vrstva hladké svaloviny (tunica muscularis). Zevně střevo obaluje seróza, obdobného charakteru a původu jako pobřišnice. Sliznice tenkého střeva je složena v řasy a poseta střevními klky, které spolu s mikroklky jednotlivých enterocytů výrazně zvyšují plochu pro vstřebávání (dosahuje cca 100 m2). Obsahuje i četné žlázky (vč. buněk chromafinního charakteru) a lymfatickou tkáň. Submukóza je tvořena řídkým vazivem (umožňujícím sliznici skládání do řas), obsahuje Meissnerovu nervovou pleteň (plexus submucosus). Svalovina má silnější vnitřní vrstvu cirkulární a zevní vrstvu longitudinální. Mezi nimi je nervová pleteň (Auerbachův plexus myentericus). (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2012 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ )
Definition (NCI) The portion of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the anus. It includes the small intestine and large intestine.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) Having to do with the intestines.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) The long, tube-shaped organ in the abdomen that completes the process of digestion. The intestine has two parts, the small intestine and the large intestine.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) The portion of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the anus. It includes the small intestine and large intestine. (NCI)
Definition (NCI) Of, or related to, or referring to the intestines.
Definition (CSP) section of the alimentary canal from the stomach to the anus; includes the large and small intestines.
Definition (MSH) The section of the alimentary canal from the STOMACH to the ANAL CANAL. It includes the LARGE INTESTINE and SMALL INTESTINE.
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D007422
SnomedCT 113276009, 256876008, 261093006
LNC LP28773-7, LP7078-1, LP7365-2, MTHU002653, MTHU003050
Swedish Tarmar
Czech střeva, intestinum
Finnish Suolisto
English Structure of intestine, Structure of intestine, unspecified, intestinal structure, intestines, bowel, bowels, intestinal tract, intestinal, intestine, INTESTINE, Bowel, Intestinal tract, Intestine, Intestinal, Intestinal structure, Intestinal (qualifier value), Intestinal structure (body structure), Intestines, Bowel, NOS, Intestinal tract, NOS, Intestines, NOS
Croatian CRIJEVA
Latvian Zarnas
Polish Jelita, Jelito, Gut
Norwegian Tarmer, Intestinalsystemet, Intestinum
Spanish estructura intestinal (estructura corporal), estructura intestinal, intestinal (calificador), intestinal, intestino, Intestinos
German Darm, Intestinum
Italian Intestino
Dutch Buikingewanden, Darmkanaal, Intestinum
Portuguese Intestinos
French Intestin, Intestins