II. Anatomy: Anterior Abdominal Wall Muscles and Aponeuroses

  1. Midline components
    1. Rectus Abdominis Muscle
    2. Pyramidalis Muscle (suprapubic)
  2. Lateral components
    1. External oblique Muscle (most superficial)
    2. Internal oblique Muscle
    3. Transverse abdominis Muscle (deepest)
  3. Aponeuroses (abdominal Muscle attachments, sites prone to Herniation)
    1. Linea Alba (longitudinal midline)
    2. Linea Semilunaris (longitudinal lateral at rectus margin)
    3. Rectus Sheath (encases the rectus abdominis)

III. Anatomy: Anterior Abdominal Wall Nerves

  1. Origin
    1. T6 to L1 Spinal Nerve Ventral Rami
  2. Upper Abdominal Wall Innervation (T6 to T12)
    1. Anterior Cutaneous Branches
    2. Lateral Cutaneous Branches
  3. Lower Abdominal Wall Innervation (L1)
    1. L1 nerve bifurcates into iliohypogastric nerve and ilioinguinal nerve
    2. Iliohypogastric nerve passes through external oblique superior to Superficial Inguinal Ring
    3. Ilioinguinal nerve passes through Inguinal Canal and out the Superficial Inguinal Ring

IV. Anatomy: Images

  1. Trunk
    1. giMusclesTrunkGrayBB1219.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  2. Diaphragm
    1. giDiaphragmInferiorGrayBB391.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  3. Abdominal Wall
    1. giWallMuscleGrayBB392.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
    2. giWallMuscleGrayBB395.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
    3. giWallMuscleGrayBB397.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
    4. giWallMuscleXsGrayBB399.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
    5. giWallVesselsGrayBB584.gifLewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
  4. Pelvis
    1. giPelvicBoneGrayBB394.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

Images: Related links to external sites (from Bing)

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Ontology: Abdominal wall structure (C0836916)

Definition (MSHCZE) Vnější hranice břicha v rozsahu od chrupavky hrudního koše až po pánev. I když je z větší části tvořena svalovinou, je složena nejméně ze sedmi vrstev: kůže a podkoží, fascie, břišní svaly, fascie transversalis, extraperitoneální tuk a parietální peritoneum.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) The tissues that surround the organs that are present within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall tissue is composed of layers of fat, parietal peritoneum, fascia, and muscles. (NCI)
Definition (NCI) The tissues that surround the organs that are present within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall tissue is composed of layers of fat, parietal peritoneum, fascia, and muscles.
Definition (MSH) The outer margins of the ABDOMEN, extending from the osteocartilaginous thoracic cage to the PELVIS. Though its major part is muscular, the abdominal wall consists of at least seven layers: the SKIN, subcutaneous fat, deep FASCIA; ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and the parietal PERITONEUM.
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D034861
SnomedCT 83908009
LNC LP6993-2, MTHU003020
English Abdominal Wall, Wall, Abdominal, AW - Abdominal wall, Wall of abdomen proper, Wall of abdomen, abdominal wall, abdomen wall, ABDOMINAL WALL, Abdominal wall, Abdominal wall structure (body structure), Abdominal wall structure, Abdominal wall, NOS
French Paroi de l'abdomen, Paroi abdominale
Swedish Bukvägg
Czech břišní stěna
Finnish Vatsanpeitteet
Latvian Vēderdobuma siena
Polish Ściana brzucha, Powłoki brzuszne, Powłoki jamy brzusznej
Norwegian Bukvegg
Spanish estructura de la pared del abdomen (estructura corporal), estructura de la pared del abdomen, pared abdominal, pared del abdomen, Pared Abdominal
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Dutch Buikwand, Wand, buik-
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