II. Pathophysiology

  1. Infection is most common cause of acquired Neutropenia
  2. Infectious Neutropenia is often via marrow injury
  3. Granulomatous infections infiltrate marrow

VI. Causes: Fungal Infections

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Ontology: Neutropenia associated with infectious disease (C0272181)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
ICD9 288.04
ICD10 D70.3
SnomedCT 191341009, 46359005
English Agranulocytosis - infection, Agranulocytosis due to infection, Infective neutropenia, neutropenia due to infection (diagnosis), neutropenia due to infection, Neutropenia d/t infectn, agranulocytosis due to infection (diagnosis), agranulocytosis due to infection, Neutropenia due to infection, Neutropenia associated with infectious disease, Neutropenia associated with infectious disease (disorder)
Spanish neutropenia asociada con enfermedad infecciosa (trastorno), neutropenia asociada con enfermedad infecciosa