Definition (CHV)
A tropical disease transmitted by mosquito bites
Definition (MSH)
An acute infectious disease primarily of the tropics, caused by a virus and transmitted to man by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Haemagogus. The severe form is characterized by fever, HEMOLYTIC JAUNDICE, and renal damage.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS)
A disease caused by infection with the yellow fever virus, which is carried by mosquitos. Symptoms include body aches, chills, fever, severe headache, weakness, and a yellow skin color. Bleeding, vomiting, and failure of the liver and other organs may occur in late stages of the disease.
Definition (NCI)
A viral infection caused by a flavivirus called yellow fever virus. It is transmitted to humans from infected mosquitoes. The signs and symptoms range from a mild febrile illness to liver damage with jaundice and hemorrhages.
Definition (CSP)
acute infectious disease primarily of the tropics, caused by a flavivirus and transmitted to humans by mosquito vectors.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
ICD9 |
060.9, 060 |
ICD10 |
, A95.9 |
SnomedCT |
154345006, 266194002, 186587002, 187411002, 16541001 |
LA10520-7 |
English |
Fevers, Yellow, Yellow Fevers, Fever, Yellow, Yellow fever unspecified, Yellow fever, unspecified, [X]Yellow fever, unspecified, yellow fever (diagnosis), yellow fever, Yellow fever virus infection, Unspecified yellow fever, Yellow fever NOS, Yellow Fever [Disease/Finding], Yellow fever unspecified (disorder), [X]Yellow fever, unspecified (disorder), Yellow fever, YF - Yellow fever, Yellow fever (disorder), febris; flava, flava; febris, Yellow fever, NOS, Yellow Fever Virus Infection, Yellow Fever |
Dutch |
gele-koorts-virusinfectie, niet-gespecificeerde gele koorts, gele koorts, niet-gespecificeerd, febris; flava, flava; febris, Gele koorts, niet gespecificeerd, gele koorts, Gele koorts, Koorts, gele |
French |
Fièvre jaune, non précisée, Fièvre jaune non précisée, Infection par le virus de la fièvre jaune, Amarillose, Fièvre jaune, Typhus amaril |
German |
Gelbfieber, unspezifisch, Gelbfieber-Virusinfektion, unspezifisches Gelbfieber, Gelbfieber, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Gelbfieber |
Italian |
Febbre gialla, non specificata, Infezione da virus della febbre gialla, Febbre gialla non specificata, Febbre gialla |
Portuguese |
Febre-amarela NE, Infecção por vírus da febre-amarela, Febre amarela, Febre Amarela |
Spanish |
Fiebre amarilla no especificada, Infección por el virus de la fiebre amarilla, fiebre amarilla no especificada, [X]fiebre amarilla, no especificada, [X]fiebre amarilla, no especificada (trastorno), fiebre amarilla no especificada (trastorno), fiebre amarilla (trastorno), fiebre amarilla, Fiebre amarilla, Fiebre Amarilla |
Japanese |
黄熱、詳細不明, 黄熱ウイルス感染症, 黄熱, 詳細不明の黄熱, ショウサイフメイノオウネツ, オウネツショウサイフメイ, オウネツウイルスカンセンショウ, オウネツ |
Swedish |
Gula febern
Czech |
žlutá zimnice, Žlutá zimnice, Žlutá zimnice, blíže neurčená, Blíže neurčená žlutá zimnice, Infekce virem žluté zimnice |
Finnish |
Russian |
Korean |
상세불명의 황열, 황열 |
Croatian |
Polish |
Gorączka żółta, Febra żółta, Żółta febra, Żółta gorączka |
Hungarian |
Sárga láz vírus fertőzés, Sárgaláz, nem meghatározott, nem meghatározott sárgaláz, sárgaláz |
Norwegian |
Gulfeber, Gul feber, Febris flava |