II. Definitions
- Human Rhinovirus (HRV)
- Picornaviridae family, enterovirus genus, non-enveloped, icosehedral, single-stranded positive sense RNA virus
- Over 100 Rhinovirus serotypes have been identified since first discovered in 1950
- Rhinoviruses infect the respiratory tract and cause the Common Cold, viral Rhinosinusitis and viral Otitis Media
III. Pathophysiology
- Classification
- Picornaviridae family
- Enterovirus genus
- Structure
- Icosehedral
- Single-stranded positive sense, 7200 base pair RNA virus (ssRNA)
- Non-enveloped, but as a viral capsid of 60 copies each of 4 Proteins (VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4)
- Groups
- Group A (74 serotypes)
- Group B (25 serotypes)
- Group C (50 serotypes, identified in 2009, 40 years after the original A and B types were identified)
- Cell Binding via Cell Surface Receptors
- Intercellular Adhesion Molecule (ICAM-1, responsible for 90% of HRV binding sites)
- Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR, minor binding site)
- Transmission
- Person to person transmission intranasal or Conjunctival via aerosol, hand to hand, or other fomite
- Survives in indoor environments at Ambient Temperature for hours to days
- Survives on undisturbed skin for 2 hours
IV. Associated Conditions
- Upper resiratory infection
- Common Cold
- Viral Rhinosinusitis
- VIral Otitis Media
- Lower Respiratory Infection (esp. Asthma, infants, elderly, Immunocompromised)
- Viral Pneumonia
- Croup
- Bronchiolitis
- COPD Exacerbation
- Asthma Pathogenesis
- Severe Bronchiolitis