II. Indications
- All medically stable newborns >2000 g within 24 hours of birth (then at age 2 months, and age 6 months)
- Unvaccinated infants and children
- All unvaccinated adults age 19 to 59 years old (or over age 60 years by risk or request)
- Added in CDC recommendation for 2022
- All health care personnel
- All pregnant patients
- Hemodialysis patients
- Patients requiring frequent Blood Transfusion
- Staff and residents at developmentally disabled home
- Incarceration
- Male homosexuals and their sexual contacts
- Intravenous Drug Abuse
- HIV Infection
- Chronic Liver Disease
- Sexual contacts of chronic HBsAg carriers
- Consider for areas of high prevelance (Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa)
Diabetes Mellitus under age 60 years
- Diabetes patients are twice as likely to contract Hepatitis B
- Diabetes patients are more prone to liver disease and to develop chronic hepatitis
- Consider for older age 60 years with additional risks (but lower efficacy in this group)
- (2012) Presc Lett 19(2): 8-9
III. Contraindications
- Anaphylactic reaction to baker's yeast
IV. Efficacy
- Starting series after age 3 months may improve Immunity
- Immunity appears to be lifelong after series
- Perinatal and childhood exposure once accounted for one quarter of Chronic Hepatitis B
- Since 2004, >92% of U.S. children have complete Hepatitis BImmunity
- Indications
- References
V. Protocol: Immunity Confirmation
- Indications (High risk groups only)
- Hemodialysis
- Immunocompromised
- HIV Infection
- Sexual partners of those positive for HBsAg
- Healthcare personnel
- Protocol
- Confirm Immunity with HBsAb at 1-2 months after Vaccination in high risk groups
- Consider immune if HBsAb >=10 mIU (responder)
- If HBsAb <10 mIU (non-responder)
- Perform a second complete Vaccination series OR give a single additional Vaccine dose
- Recheck HBsAb again at 1-2 months after Vaccination
- References
VI. Preparations
- Recombivax HB
- Infants, Children and Adolescents: 5 ug/dose
- Adults: 10 ug/dose
- Immunosuppressed Adult: 20 ug/dose
- Energix-B (SKB)
- Infants and Children: 10 ug/dose
- Heplisav-B
- Two dose series
- PreHevbrio
- Indicated as a Hepatitis B Vaccine option in non-pregnant adults
- Three Antigen recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine (Tri-Antigenic Vaccine)
- Appears more immunogenic than other, single Antigen preparations
- Associated with more local pain, as well as myalgias, Headache, Fatigue than with the other preparations
- Administer in 3 doses at 0, 1, and 6 months
- Vesikari (2021) Lancet Infect Dis 21:1271 [PubMed]
- (2022) Med Lett Drugs Ther 64(1650): 73-5
Twinrix (Combined Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccine)
- Adults: 720 EU/20 ug (1.0 ml)
- Not approved for use in Children (age <18 years)
- Requires 3 doses as in Hepatitis B Vaccine schedule
VII. Dosing: Standard
- Protocols for Children on Standard Schedule (Primary Series or Harmonized Schedule)
- Dose 1: Birth to age 2 months
- Typically given in U.S. within 24 hours of birth for all medically stable infants
- First dose at age >1 month if birth weight <2000 grams)
- Dose 2: Age 1 to 4 months (>1 month after dose 1)
- Dose 3: Age 6 to 18 months (>2 months after dose 2, and age for final dose >=6 months from first dose)
- Dose 1: Birth to age 2 months
- Adult and Adolescent Catch-Up Immunizations
- See Twinrix (age >18 years)
- Engerix-B or Recombivax-HB (3 dose series)
- Dose 1: Month 0
- Dose 2: Month 1 (at least 4 weeks after dose 1)
- Dose 3: Month 6 (at least 8 weeks after dose 2, 16 weeks after dose 1)
- Heplisav-B (2 dose series for age >18 years)
- Dose 1: Month 0
- Dose 2: Month 1 (at least 4 weeks after dose 1)
- Recombivax HB (2 dose series for age 11 to 15 years)
- Dose 1: Month 0
- Dose 2: Month 4 (at least 4 months after dose 1)
VIII. Protocols: Alternative
- Rapid Vaccination (3 weeks) French Study
- French Protocol
- Regular: Days 0, 28, and 56
- Rapid: Days 0, 10, and 21
- Efficacy compared with regular French schedule
- Day 28: Higher seroprotection than reg schedule
- Day 56: Lower seroprotection than regular
- Day 365: Same seroprotection as regular schedule
- References
- French Protocol
- Moderately Rapid Vaccination schedule
- Rapid Schedule: months 0, 1, and 2
- Efficacy
- Month 3: Greater seroprotective effect
- Month 7: Equivalent seroprotection (100%)
- Higher Antibody titer for standard group
- Suggests possible longer term protection
- References
IX. Management: Infant with HBsAg Positive Mother (or Unknown Status)
- Administer HBig and Hepatitis B Vaccine
- Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG)
- Dose: 0.5 ml within 12 hours of birth
- If maternal HepBsAg status unknown and birth weight >2000 g, may delay HBIG <7 days while awaiting HepBsAg
- Hepatitis B Vaccine starting with dose in hospital
- Dose 1: Within 12 hours of birth
- Give regardless of birth weight, in different extremity than the HBIG dose
- Dose 2: Age 1 months
- Dose 3: Age 6 months
- Additional, fourth Dose: Age 2 months if birth weight <2000 grams
- Dose 1: Within 12 hours of birth
- Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG)
- Labs at 9 to 12 months of age (or 1 month after completing series)
X. Precautions
- Safe in HIV
- Safe in Pregnancy
XI. Adverse Effects
- Anaphylaxis (in those with yeast allergy)
- One serious reaction per 600,000 doses
- References
XII. Resources
- CDC Immunization Schedules (last accessed 10/28/2020)
XIII. References
- (2022) Presc Lett 29(4): 19
- (2001) Med Lett Drugs Ther 43(1110):67-8 [PubMed]
- Ackerman (2015) Am Fam Physician 92(6): 460-8 [PubMed]
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Definition (HL7V3.0) | <p>hepatitis B vaccine, NOS</p> |
Definition (NCI) | A non-infectious mixture containing recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in a liquid vehicle. Immunization with the hepatitis B vaccine induces the formation of specific anti-hepatitis B antibodies and an active immunity against hepatitis B infection. |
Definition (PDQ) | A non-infectious mixture containing recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in a liquid vehicle. Immunization with the hepatitis B vaccine induces the formation of specific anti-hepatitis B antibodies and an active immunity against hepatitis B infection. Check for "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=532310&idtype=1" active clinical trials or "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=532310&idtype=1&closed=1" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("http://nciterms.nci.nih.gov:80/NCIBrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&code=C29091" NCI Thesaurus) |
Concepts | Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein (T116) , Pharmacologic Substance (T121) , Immunologic Factor (T129) |
SnomedCT | 34689006, 396424005 |
CPT | 90740, 90743, 90746, 90747, 90744, 90739 |
HL7 | 45 |
English | Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, HEPATITIS B, Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine,Recb, Hepatitis B Vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine recombinant, hepatitis b vaccine, hepatitis b vaccines, Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant), Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine, HBIG - Hepatitis B vaccine, Hep B - Hepatitis B vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, Hepatitis B virus vaccine, Hepatitis B virus vaccine (product), Hepatitis B virus vaccine (substance), Hep B, NOS, HEPATITIS B VACCINE (RECOMBINANT) |
Spanish | vacuna contra el virus de la hepatitis B (producto), vacuna contra el virus de la hepatitis B (sustancia), vacuna contra el virus de la hepatitis B |