II. Indications
III. Mechanism
- Test for heterophile Antibody (Paul-Bunnell IgM)
- Not specific to EBV
- Uncommonly occurs in other conditions
- Heterophil Antibody agglutinates Red Blood Cells
- Horse RBCs (most sensitive) - used for slide test
- Bovine RBCs
- Sheep RBCs (least sensitive)
IV. Timing: Positive for Mononucleosis
False Negative Monospot common early in course
- Week 1: 25% False Negative Rate
- Week 2: 5-10% False Negative Rate
- Week 3: 5% False Negative Rate
- Positive Heterophile Antibody Tests
- Monospot positive at week 1 in 25% of patients
- Heterophile Antibodies are typically formed by 1 week of symptom onset
- But typically titers are too low for detection at this time
- Monospot positive by week 3 in >90% of patients
- Antibodies peak between weeks 2 and 5
- Monospot positive at week 1 in 25% of patients
- Heterophile Antibodies usually persist for 3 months
- Rarely antibodies persist up to 1 year
- Heterophile Antibody development is age specific
- Age under 2 years: <30% develop antibodies
- Age 2-4 years: <75% develop antibodies
- Age <12 years: <50% develop antibodies
- Age >12 years: >70% develop antibodies
- Adults >85% develop antibodies
V. Interpretation: Positive Test (>1:40 titer)
Infectious Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr Virus)
- See Mononucleosis for approach to testing
- False Positive causes (uncommon)
VI. References
- Gantz in Noble (2001) Primary Care, Mosby, p. 268
- Ravel (1995) Lab Medicine, Mosby-Year, p. 263-4
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Related Studies
Definition (CSP) | antibody produced by the introduction of heterophile antigen into a species which does not carry it. |
Definition (MSH) | Antibodies elicited in a different species from which the antigen originated. These antibodies are directed against a wide variety of interspecies-specific antigens, the best known of which are Forssman, Hanganutziu-Deicher (H-D), and Paul-Bunnell (P-B). Incidence of antibodies to these antigens--i.e., the phenomenon of heterophile antibody response--is useful in the serodiagnosis, pathogenesis, and prognosis of infection and latent infectious states as well as in cancer classification. |
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Finnish | Heterofiiliset vasta-aineet |
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French | Anticorps hétérologues, Xéno-anticorps, Anticorps hétérophiles, Anticorps hétérologue, Anticorps hétérotypiques, Hétéro-anticorps, Hétéroanticorps, Anticorps hétérophile, Xénoanticorps, Anticorps hétérogéniques, Anticorps xénogéniques, Anticorps hétérotypique, Anticorps xénogénique, Anticorps hétérogénique |
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Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
SnomedCT | 24053005 |
CPT | 86308 |
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Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
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German | Paul Bunnell-Test |
Italian | Test di Paul-Bunnell, Test di Paul Bunnell |
Portuguese | Prova de Paul e Bunnell |
Spanish | Prueba de Paul Bunnell, Prueba de Paul-Bunnell, prueba de Paul - Bunnell, SAI (procedimiento), prueba de Paul - Bunnell, SAI, prueba de Paul - Bunnell (procedimiento), prueba de Paul - Bunnell |
Japanese | ポールバンネルテスト, ポールバンネルテスト |
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Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
SnomedCT | 143203007, 165796002, 252408001 |
English | Test;monospot, Monospot test, Monospot test (procedure), monospot test |
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Ontology: Mononucleosis heterophile test (C0853935)
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
Italian | Test della mononucleosi con anticorpo eterofilo |
Japanese | 単核細胞症異染性試験, タンカクサイボウショウイセンセイシケン |
Czech | Vyšetření na heterofilní protilátky u mononukleózy |
English | Mononucleosis heterophile test |
Hungarian | Heterofil mononucleosis vizsgálat |
Dutch | mononucleose heterofieltest |
Portuguese | Teste heterófilo de mononucleose |
Spanish | Prueba heterófila de la mononucleosis |
French | Réaction de Paul Bunnell Davidsohn |
German | Mononucleosis heterophilus Test |