II. Indication
- Syphilis Detection
III. Background
IV. Efficacy: Test Sensitivity to untreated Syphilis
- Primary Stage (Chancre stage)
- After one week: 30%
- After three weeks: 90%
- Secondary Stage: 100%
- Tertiary Stage: 90%
- Latent Stage: may be unreactive
V. Interpretation: Negative
- Normal
VI. Interpretation: Positive
- See Syphilis False Positive Test
Syphilis RPR positive test will be returned with titer (e.g. 1:16)
- After treatment, by 6 months, RPR should fall by a factor of 4 (e.g. 1:4)
- On subsequent infection, expect the RPR titer to once again rise
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | The determination of the antibodies produced by cellular damage caused by Treponema pallidum present in a sample. |
Definition (NCI_CDISC) | A measurement of the antibodies produced by cellular damage caused by Treponema pallidum (syphilis) in a biological specimen. |
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
SnomedCT | 19869000 |
LNC | LP70657-9 |
English | Rapid Plasma Reagin Measurement, RPR, rapid plasma reagin (rpr) test, rapid plasma reagin test, Rapid Plasma Reagin, Rapid plasma reagin test, RPR test, Rapid plasma reagin test (procedure) |
Spanish | RPR, Prueba de reagina plasmática rápida, prueba RPR, prueba de la reagina plasmática rápida (procedimiento), prueba de la reagina plasmática rápida |
Portuguese | RPR, Prova de reagina plasmática rápida |
French | Test RPR (test rapide de la réagine plasmatique), Test rapide de la réagine plasmatique |
German | RPR Test, schnelles Plasma Reagin-Test |
Czech | Rychlá reaginová reakce, RRR |
Italian | Test rapido per reagine plasmatiche |
Dutch | rapid plasma reagine test, RPR |
Japanese | 血漿レアギン迅速試験, RPR, RPR, ケッショウレアギンジンソクシケン |
Hungarian | Plazma reagin gyorsteszt, RPR |