II. Definitions
- Furuncle (Boil, Abscess)
- Walled-off Nodule of purulent infection forming around a Hair Follicle
- Firm wall with inner fluctuant core
- Carbuncle
- Coalition of Furuncles
- Deeper, more extensive involvement
- Require greater degree of Debridement
III. Pathophysiology
- Hair Follicle infection that spreads to deeper tissue (often begins as Folliculitis)
- Abscess may also form from Cellulitis, or Cellulitis may form from abscess
IV. Risk Factors
- Obesity
- Impaired Neutrophil function
- Corticosteroid use
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Intravenous Drug Abuse
V. Causes
- Staphylococcus Aureus (most common)
- Streptococcus species
- Mixed Bacterial Infection
VI. Signs
- Tender, erythematous Skin Mass
- Often spontaneously opens and drains to skin surface
- Distribution
- Precautions
- If IV Drug Abuse is suspected, consider Bacterial Endocarditis (e.g. auscultate for cardiac murmur)
VII. Imaging: Bedside Ultrasound (Point of Care Ultrasound)
- Conflicting efficacy in studies
- Ultrasound may alter clinical management by identifying occult abscess (occurred in 50% of cases in one study)
- Ultrasound is more accurate than clinical exam in one study
Ultrasound adds little to abscess diagnosis and localization in one study
- ED clinicians were as accurate with physical examination as with Ultrasound (87% Test Sensitivity and 71% Test Specificity)
- Consider in unclear presentations
- But Ultrasound only 77% Test Sensitivity, 64% Test Specificity in theses cases in this study
- Marin (2013) Acad Emerg Med 20(6): 545-53 [PubMed]
VIII. Management: Acute Episode
- Trial of warm compresses for small abscesses
Incision and Drainage
- Primary, definitive, most critical step in Skin Abscess management
Antibiotic indications (in addition to Incision and Drainage)
- Antibiotics are usually not required for an isolated abscess without Cellulitis once the lesion is incised and drained
- Antibiotics do not shorten course of abscess
- However recurrence rate may be less with Antibiotic use
- Antibiotic indications (post-drainage)
- Cellulitis (see Cellulitis for Antibiotic choices)
- Serious comorbidity such as Diabetes Mellitus, Immunosuppression or extremes of age
- Multiple sites of infection
- Systemic symptoms
- Rapid progression with concurrent Cellulitis
- Infection involving face, hand or genitalia
- Associated septic phlebitis
- Unreliable follow-up
- Large abscess (e.g. 5 cm and greater, Carbuncle)
- Failure to improve after Incision and Drainage
- Antibiotics for Skin Abscess with Cellulitis (in addition to Incision and Drainage)
- See Cellulitis Management
- As noted above, Antibiotics are not needed for simple abscess without Cellulitis
- Agents for MRSA
- Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim) DS orally twice daily for 5-10 days
- Doxycyline 100 mg orally twice daily for 5-10 days
- Clindamycin 300 mg (or 450 mg if BMI>40) rally three times daily for 5-10 days
- Linezolid 600 mg orally twice daily for 5-10 days
- Vancomycin 15 mg/kg every 12 hours
- Agents for known MSSA
- Dicloxacillin 500 mg orally three to four times daily for 5-10 days
- Cephalexin (Keflex) 500 mg orally three to four times daily for 5-10 days
- Nafcillin (or Oxacillin) 1 g IV every 4 hours
- Cefazolin (Ancef) 1 g IV every 8 hours
- References
- (2017) Sanford Guide, Skin Abscess (accessed 1/1/2018 on IOS app)
- Antibiotics are usually not required for an isolated abscess without Cellulitis once the lesion is incised and drained
IX. Management: Recurrent Abscess
- Optimize personal hygiene
- Regular bathing and Hand Washing with soap and water or Alcohol-based hand cleansers
- Reduce transmission risk
- Active Skin Infections should be cleaned and covered with a dry dressing at least daily (or more as needed)
- Avoid sharing personal items (razors, towels, wash cloths and other linens)
- Wash high contact surfaces (e.g. doorknobs, counters, toilet seats) with commercial cleansers
- Consider differential diagnosis
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
- Retained Foreign Body (or prior surgical procedure, esp. mesh)
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa (groin and axilla)
- Pyoderma Gangrenosum (groin, legs)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease with enterocutaneous fistula (groin, abdominal wall)
- Immunodeficiency (e.g. poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus, Phagocytosis Disorders)
Mupirocin (Bactroban)
- Apply intranasally bid for 5 days
- Reduces nasal Staphylococcus Aureus carriage
- Antiseptic body cleansers (e.g. Hibiclens or dilute bleach bath)
- Hibiclens
- Wash completely with Hibiclens daily for 5-14 days
- Dilute bleach bath
- Dilute bleach: 1 teaspoon bleach per gallon water OR
- One quarter cup bleach per 20 gallons water (or 1/4 tub of water)
- Soak in the dilute bleach for 15 minutes twice weekly for 3 months
- Shower to rinse off bleach completely
- Make certain to rinse and dry feet before walking across carpet (and bleaching the carpet)
- Dilute bleach: 1 teaspoon bleach per gallon water OR
- Hibiclens
- Other measures with minimal evidence (not recommended)
- Systemic Antibiotic protocols (10 day course)
- Not generally recommended (poor efficacy, increased resistance rates)
- Rifampin 600 mg PO qd and
- Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra) DS twice daily
- Clindamycin four times daily
- Vitamin C 1 gram per day
- Effective in those with impaired Neutrophil function
- Systemic Antibiotic protocols (10 day course)
X. Complications
- Cellulitis
- Gangrene
- Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa
- Recurrent Furunculosis
XI. References
- Chan (2014) Crit Dec Emerg Med 28(9): 2-7
- Derksen in Pfenninger (1994) Procedures, p. 50-3
- Gilbert (2002) Sanford Guide, p. 36-37
- Carroll (1996) Postgrad Med 100(3):311-22 [PubMed]
- Stulberg (2002) Am Fam Physician 66(1):119-24 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (MSH) | An infection of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue that consists of a cluster of boils. Commonly, the causative agent is STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. Carbuncles produce fever, leukocytosis, extreme pain, and prostration. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D002270 |
SnomedCT | 200602006, 156294007, 267826003, 41570003, 91374005, 416893007 |
English | Carbuncle, Carbuncles, carbuncles (physical finding), carbuncle (diagnosis), carbuncles, Carbuncle [Disease/Finding], nos carbuncle, Carbuncle NOS (disorder), Carbuncle (morphologic abnormality), Carbuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder), Carbuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue, Carbuncle of skin and subcutaneous tissue, NOS, Carbuncle NOS, Carbuncle (disorder), carbuncle |
Italian | Favo, Foruncolo |
French | Anthrax (infection cutanée), Anthrax, Anthrax (dermatose) |
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Ontology: Furunculosis (C0016867)
Definition (NCI) | A skin condition that is characterized by recurring furuncles, lesions primarily caused by staphylococcus aureus infection of the hair follicles and surrounding skin. Furunculosis occurs more frequently in persons with immune systems disorders than in the general population. |
Definition (MSH) | A persistent skin infection marked by the presence of furuncles, often chronic and recurrent. In humans, the causative agent is various species of STAPHYLOCOCCUS. In salmonid fish (SALMONIDS), the pathogen is AEROMONAS SALMONICIDA. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D005667 |
ICD10 | L02.92 |
SnomedCT | 112650006 |
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French | FURONCULOSE, Furonculose |
Portuguese | FURUNCULOSE, Furunculose |
Spanish | FORUNCULOSIS, Furunculosis, forunculosis (anomalía morfológica), forunculosis, furunculosis, Forunculosis |
German | FURUNKULOSE, Furunkulose |
Dutch | furunculose, Furunculose |
Swedish | Furunkulos |
Japanese | セツシュショウ, せつ多発症, せつ腫症, せつ症, せつ, フルンケル症 |
Czech | furunkulóza, Furunkulóza |
Finnish | Furunkuloosi |
Croatian | FURUNKULOZA |
Polish | Czyraczność |
Hungarian | Furunkulózis, Furunculosis |
Norwegian | Furunkulose |
Italian | Foruncolosi |
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Definition (NCI) | An abscess that develops in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Causes include folliculitis, furuncle, skin injury, and bacterial infections. Signs and symptoms include the presence of a swollen, tender, and erythematous nodular lesion in the skin associated with fever and chills. |
Concepts | Pathologic Function (T046) |
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English | SKIN & SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE ABSCES, Abscess of skin, skin abscess (physical finding), skin abscess, Abscess of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue, Skin & subcutaneous tissue absces, Abscesses of skin, Skin & subcutaneous tissue abscess, abscess of skin (diagnosis), abscess of skin, Abscess;skin, Boil;skin, of skin abscess, skin boil, abscess skin, skin abscesses, abscesses cutaneous, of skin abscesses, boils skin, cutaneous abscess, boil skin, boiled skin, Skin and subcutaneous tissue abscess NOS, Skin Abscess, Subcutaneous Abscess, Abscess of skin (disorder), Cutaneous abscess, Skin abscess, Abscess of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder), abscess; skin, skin; abscess, Abscess of skin and subcutaneous tissue, NOS |
Dutch | huid- en onderhuidsweefselabces NAO, huid- en subcutaan weefselabces, abcessen van de huid, abces; huid, huid; abces |
French | Abcès des tissus cutanés et sous-cutanés, Abcès cutanés, Abcès de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané SAI, ABCES CUTANE |
German | Abszesse der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewebes NNB, Abszesse der Haut, Abszess von Haut und subkutanem Gewebe, ABSZESS HAUT UND SUBKUTANES GEWEB |
Italian | Ascessi cutanei, Ascesso del tessuto cutaneo e sottocutaneo, Ascesso della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo NAS, Ascesso della cute e del tessuto sottocutaneo |
Portuguese | Abcesso da pele, Abcesso cutâneo e subcutâneo NE, Abcesso da pele e tecido celular subcutâneo, ABCESSO DA PELE E TECIDO SUBCUTAN |
Spanish | Absceso de piel, Absceso de tejido subcutáneo y piel NEOM, Absceso de piel y de tejido subcutáneo, ABSCESO DE PIEL Y TEJIDO S.C, absceso cutáneo Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo, absceso cutáneo Y/O subcutáneo, absceso de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo (trastorno), absceso de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo, absceso de la piel |
Japanese | 皮膚および皮下組織膿瘍, 皮膚および皮下組織膿瘍NOS, 皮膚膿瘍, ヒフオヨビヒカソシキノウヨウ, ヒフノウヨウ, ヒフオヨビヒカソシキノウヨウNOS |
Czech | Kožní absces, Absces kůže a podkožního vaziva, Absces kůže a podkožního vaziva NOS |
Hungarian | Bőr és subcutan szövet tályogja, Bőr abscessusai, Bőr és subcutan szövet abscessus k.m.n., Bőr és subcutan szövet abscessus |
Ontology: furuncle (C0242301)
Definition (CHV) | hair follicle infection |
Definition (CHV) | hair follicle infection |
Definition (CHV) | hair follicle infection |
Definition (CHV) | hair follicle infection |
Definition (CHV) | hair follicle infection |
Definition (NCI) | Bacterial infection of the hair follicle and the surrounding skin. It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It presents as a painful, erythematous and swollen skin lesion. |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D005667 |
ICD10 | L02.92 |
SnomedCT | 267773002, 156294007, 156303007, 200626008, 267826003, 59843005, 111181004, 416675009 |
English | Furuncles, furuncle (diagnosis), Boil NOS, Furuncle, unspecified, boil, boils, furuncles, furunculus, Boil NOS (disorder), Boils: [Recurrent] or [multiple sites] or [NOS] (disorder), Boils: [Recurrent] or [multiple sites] or [NOS], Furuncle, Boil, Furunculus, Boil of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue, Furuncle (morphologic abnormality), Furuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue (disorder), Furuncle of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue, Boil of skin and subcutaneous tissue, NOS, Boil of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue, NOS, Boils, Furuncle NOS, Furuncle (disorder), furuncle |
Italian | Furunculus, Bolla, Foruncoli |
Dutch | furunkel, furunkel op aangezicht, Steenpuisten |
German | Eiterbeule, Eiterbeulen, Furunkel |
Japanese | せつ, セツ |
Portuguese | Furúnculos, Furúnculo |
Spanish | Forúnculos, Forúnculo, forúnculo de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo, furúnculo de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo, divieso de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo, forúnculo, SAI, forúnculo de piel Y/O tejido celular subcutáneo (trastorno), forúnculo de piel Y/O tejido celular subcutáneo, forúnculo, SAI (trastorno), furúnculo de piel Y/O tejido celular subcutáneo, forúnculo de la piel Y/O del tejido celular subcutáneo (trastorno), Boil NOS, furúnculo (anomalía morfológica), furúnculo, forúnculo, forúnculo (trastorno) |
French | Furoncles, Furoncle |
Czech | Furunkl, vředy, furunkly |
Hungarian | kelés, furunculus |
Norwegian | Konger, Furunkler |
Ontology: Abscess soft tissue (C0740694)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
Italian | Ascesso dei tessuti molli |
Japanese | 軟部組織膿瘍, ナンブソシキノウヨウ |
Czech | Absces měkkých tkání |
Hungarian | lágyrész tályog |
English | Abscess soft tissue |
Portuguese | Abcesso dos tecidos moles |
Spanish | Absceso en tejido blando |
Dutch | abces weke delen |
French | Abcès de tissu mou |
German | Abszess an Weichteilen |
Ontology: Recurrent skin abscesses (C2675144)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
English | Recurrent skin abscesses, Skin abscesses, recurrent |