II. Epidemiology
- Occurs in 8-10% of untreated Syphilis (as part of Tertiary Syphilis)
III. Pathophysiology
- Complication of Tertiary Syphilis
- Onset as Meningitis or meningovasculitis
- Degenerative parenchymal changes in any part of the CNS
V. Signs
- Altered Mental Status
Cranial Nerve palsy
- Any ophthalmic or auditory symptoms in Syphilis should be treated as Neurosyphilis regardless of Lumbar Puncture results
- Tremor of lips, Tongue or hands
- Seizures
- Ataxia or impaired gait
- Aphasia
- Hyperreflexia
- Cognitive changes to progressive Dementia
- Argyll Robertson Pupil
VI. Types
- Asymptomatic (at onset of Neurosyphilis)
- Cerebrospinal Fluid positive VDRL (Meningitis)
- Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Prostitute Pupil) may be present
- Asymptomatic Syphilis may persist
- Meningeal Neurosyphilis (subacute Meningitis)
- Subacute Meningitis presenting with fever, stiff neck and Headache
- CSF with high Lymphocyte Count, high Protein, low Glucose and Syphilis Serology positive
- Intracranial Pressure increased
- Ocular Syphilis
- Iritis, Uveitis or chorioretinitis
- Painless Vision Loss
- Evaluate with a complete Cranial Nerve exam and a Slit Lamp exam by ophthalmology
- Otosyphilis
- Sudden onset Sensorineural Hearing Loss (endocochlear Syphilis)
- Vertigo (Vestibular Neuronitis due to Syphilis)
- Tinnitus
- Meningovascular Syphilis
- Begins 5 to 10 years after initial infection in up to 10% of patients with Neurosyphilis (3% of overall Syphilis)
- Acute or subacute Aseptic Meningitis presenting with a meningo-encephalopathic syndrome
- Inflammatory arteriopathy affecting adventitia of large and medium-sized vessels
- Risk of Cerebrovascular Accident (multiple small infarctions) with variable distribution
- Tabes Dorsalis (Tabetic Neurosyphilis)
- Demyelination of Posterior Column dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglia
- Onset 20 to 30 years after initial infection
- Results in sensory Ataxia of the legs
- Lancinating pain and Paresthesias
- Urinary Overflow Incontinence
- Absent knee and ankle Deep Tendon Reflexes
- Proprioception loss
- Abnormal Romberg Test and Ataxia
- Progressive degeneration of spinal cord (posterior roots, Posterior Columns)
- Charcot's Joints
- Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Prostitute Pupil)
- Syphilitic Paresis (Dementia Paralytica, Paretic Neurosyphilis)
- Chronic meningoencephalitis
- Emotional lability and altered personality as well as affect
- Memory deficits
- Progressive Dementia
- Dysarthria and other speech changes
- Myoclonic Jerks
- Action Tremor
- Seizures
- Hyperreflexia
- Positive Babinski Reflex
- Evolves into Psychosis
- Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Prostitute Pupil) may be present
VII. Labs: CSF Evaluation
- See Syphylis Testing
- Screening
- CSF VDRL (high Specificity)
- CSF white cell count >10/mm3
- CSF Protein >50 mg/dl
- Retesting if CSF VDRL negative
- Treponemal specific CSF tests (e.g. TPHA)
- High False Positive Rate
- Consider TPHA index (compares CSF to serum titer)
- Spirochete DNA PCR from CSF sample
- Higher Specificity than TPHA
- Not yet widely available
- Treponemal specific CSF tests (e.g. TPHA)
- Experimental markers
- B-Cell chemoattractant chemokinge (CXCL13 or CXC motif)
- Increased CSF concentrations may reliably predict Neurosyphilis
- Marra (2010) Sex Transm Dis 37(5):283-7 [PubMed]
- B-Cell chemoattractant chemokinge (CXCL13 or CXC motif)
VIII. Management
- See Syphilis
Penicillin (with probenacid 500 mg orally four times daily for 10-14 days)
- Aqueous crystalline Penicillin G
- Dose: 3-4 MU IV every 4 hours for 10-14 days (18-24 MU daily)
- Alternative: 0.75 to 1 MU/hour continuous IV
- Procaine Penicillin G (only in compliant patients)
- Dose 2.4 MU IM once daily for 14 days
- Use with Probenecid 500 mg qid for 14 days
- Aqueous crystalline Penicillin G
Penicillin Allergy
- Desensitize and treat with Penicillin
- Ceftriaxone 2 g IM/IV qd for 14 days
- Repeat testing for Syphilis
- Repeat Syphilis Testing at 6 and 12 months
- Expect four fold reduction in titer after treatment
- Reevaluate and HIV Test if fails to have four fold drop in titer
IX. References
- (2019) Sanford Guide, accessed on IOS 11/6/2019
- Green, Cohen, Billington (2016) Crit Dec Emerg Med 30(11): 4-10
- Kirk, McHugh and Parnell (2023) Crit Dec Emerg Med 37(8): 23-9
- Ricco (2020) Am Fam Physician 102(2): 91-8 [PubMed]
- Workowski (2010) MMWR Recomm Rep 59(RR-12): 1-110 [PubMed]
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Related Studies
Definition (NCI) | Infection of the brain or spinal cord by Treponema pallidum. It occurs many years following the original infection which remained untreated. Signs and symptoms include abnormal gait, blindness, depression, paralysis, seizures and dementia. |
Definition (MSH) | Infections of the central nervous system caused by TREPONEMA PALLIDUM which present with a variety of clinical syndromes. The initial phase of infection usually causes a mild or asymptomatic meningeal reaction. The meningovascular form may present acutely as BRAIN INFARCTION. The infection may also remain subclinical for several years. Late syndromes include general paresis; TABES DORSALIS; meningeal syphilis; syphilitic OPTIC ATROPHY; and spinal syphilis. General paresis is characterized by progressive DEMENTIA; DYSARTHRIA; TREMOR; MYOCLONUS; SEIZURES; and Argyll-Robertson pupils. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp722-8) |
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Swedish | Neurosyfilis |
Czech | neurosyfilis, Neurosyfilis, blíže neurčená, Neurosyfilis |
Finnish | Neurosyfilis |
Korean | 상세불명의 신경매독 |
Croatian | NEUROLUES |
Polish | Kiła układu nerwowego |
Hungarian | neurosyphilis, neurosyphilis, nem meghatározott |
Norwegian | Nevrosyfilis, Syfilis i sentralnervesystemet, Nevrolues |
Ontology: Tabes Dorsalis (C0039223)
Definition (MSHCZE) | Onemocnění CNS, zejm. míchy, které je součástí třetího stadia syfilis (neurolues). Vzniká za mnoho let (cca 5 až 20) po infekci. Postiženy bývají zadní kořeny a zadní provazce míšní a přilehlé mozkové pleny. Bývají změny i ve zrakové dráze, bývá endarteritida. Postižen může být zrak. Jsou četné neurologické příznaky – Argyll-Robertsonova zornice, hyporeflexie až areflexie, spinální ataxie, porucha hlubokého čití, porucha chůze, trofické poruchy kloubů (tabické artropatie). Příznaky z iritace zadních kořenů vedou k ostrým vystřelujícím bolestem a bolestem vycházejícím z různých vnitřních orgánů a imitujícím jejich onemocnění (tabická krize). Terapie antibiotiky (penicilin, ceftriaxon aj.). (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2013 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) |
Definition (NCI) | A form of neurosyphilis characterized by slowly progressive degeneration of the spinal cord. Signs and symptoms include pain, ataxia, loss of coordination, personality changes, blindness, urinary incontinence, dementia, and degeneration of the joints. |
Definition (MSH) | Parenchymatous NEUROSYPHILIS marked by slowly progressive degeneration of the posterior columns, posterior roots, and ganglia of the spinal cord. The condition tends to present 15 to 20 years after the initial infection and is characterized by lightening-like pains in the lower extremities, URINARY INCONTINENCE; ATAXIA; severely impaired position and vibratory sense, abnormal gait (see GAIT DISORDERS, NEUROLOGIC), OPTIC ATROPHY; Argyll-Robertson pupils, hypotonia, hyperreflexia, and trophic joint degeneration (Charcot's Joint; see ARTHROPATHY, NEUROGENIC). (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p726) |
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D013606 |
ICD9 | 094.0 |
ICD10 | A52.11 |
SnomedCT | 266134000, 266210001, 186885003, 154384001, 2844004, 316841006, 51928006, 315826004 |
English | TABES DORSALIS, Posterior spinal scler.-syph, Neurosyphilis, Tabetic, Tabetic Neurosyphilis, Spinalis, Tabes, Tabes Spinalis, Tabes Dorsalis [Disease/Finding], dorsalis tabes, dorsalis neurosyphilis tabes, duchenne disease, tabes dorsalis, duchenne's disease, disease duchenne, Duchenne's disease, Tabes dorsalis, Syphilitic posterior spinal sclerosis, Tabetic neurosyphilis, Tabes dorsalis - neurosyphilis, Tabes dorsalis (disorder), Tabetic neurosyphilis (disorder), dorsalis; tabes, tabes; dorsalis, Tabes dorsalis (disorder) [Ambiguous], Tabes Dorsalis, Duchennes Disease, Posterior spinal sclerosis |
Dutch | tabes dorsalis, dorsalis; tabes, tabes; dorsalis, Ruggenmergsyfilis, Tabes dorsalis |
French | Ataxie locomotrice progressive, Tabès, Neurosyphilis tabétique |
Portuguese | Tabes dorsal, Sífilis da Medula Espinhal, Tabes Dorsal |
Spanish | Tabes dorsal, neurosífilis tábica, ataxia motora, Sífilis de la Columna Vertebral, enfermedad de Duchenne (trastorno), enfermedad de Duchenne, esclerosis espinal posterior sifilítica, neurosífilis tabética (trastorno), neurosífilis tabética, tabes dorsal (concepto no activo), tabes dorsal (trastorno), tabes dorsal, Tabes Dorsal |
Swedish | Syfilitisk ryggmärgsförtvining |
Japanese | セキズイロウ, 梅毒-脊髄, 脳梅毒, 脳脊髄梅毒, 脊髄梅毒, 梅毒-脳, 脊髄ろう, 脊髄癆, 脊髄後索硬化症 |
Czech | tabes dorsalis, Tabes dorsalis, úbytě míchy |
Finnish | Selkäydinkato |
Italian | Atassia spinale, Tabe dorsale, Atassia locomotoria |
Polish | Wiąd rdzenia, Kiła rdzenia kręgowego |
Hungarian | Tabes dorsalis |
Norwegian | Tabes dorsalis, Ryggmargssyfilis |
German | Tabes dorsalis |
Ontology: General Paralysis (C0205858)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
MSH | D009494 |
ICD9 | 094.1 |
ICD10 | A52.17 |
SnomedCT | 186886002, 154384001, 266210001, 313231000009106, 51928006 |
English | General Paralyses, Paralyses, General, Paralysis, General, General Paresis, Paretic Neurosyphilis, General Pareses, Pareses, General, Neurosyphilis, Paretic, Paresis, General, GPI - Gen paresis of insane, General paresis - neurosyph., paretic neurosyphilis (diagnosis), neurosyphilis paresis (GPI), general paresis, paretic neurosyphilis, General Paresis of the Insane, general paralysis, general paralysis of insane, progressive paralysis, dementia paralytica, paralytica dementia, GPI-general paralysis insane, Progressive paralysis (finding), Progressive paralysis, Dementia paralytica, General paresis, Paretic neurosyphilis, Progressive general paresis, GPI - General paresis of the insane, General paralysis of insane, General paresis - neurosyphilis, General paresis of the insane, General paresis - neurosyphilis (disorder), Paralytic dementia, general paresis; neurosyphilis, general; paralysis, general; paresis, neurosyphilis; general paresis, paralysis; general, paralysis; progressive, general, paralysis; progressive, paresis; general, paresis; syphilitic, progressive; paralysis, general, progressive; paralysis, syphilis; paresis, General paresis (disorder), Dementia Paralytica, Paresis (General), General Paralysis, General paralysis of the insane, General paralysis, Progressive general paralysis |
Dutch | gegeneraliseerde parese, gegeneraliseerd; paralyse, gegeneraliseerd; parese, gegeneraliseerde parese; neurosyfilis, neurosyfilis; gegeneraliseerde parese, paralyse; gegeneraliseerd, paralyse; progressief, gegeneraliseerd, paralyse; progressief, parese; gegeneraliseerd, parese; luetisch, progressief; paralyse, gegeneraliseerd, progressief; paralyse, syfilis; parese, Generale parese, Paretische neurolues |
French | Parésie générale, Démence paralytique, Paralysie générale, Maladie de Bayle |
German | allgemeine Parese, Progressive Paralyse, Paralysis progressiva |
Italian | Paralisi progressiva |
Portuguese | Paresia geral, Neurossífilis Parética, Paresia Geral |
Spanish | Paresia general, demencia paralítica, neurosífilis parética, paresia general (trastorno), paresia general progresiva, paresia general, Neurosífilis Parética, Paresia General |
Czech | Celková paréza |
Hungarian | Általános paresis |
Norwegian | Hjernesyfilis, Paretisk nevrosyfilis, Paralysis generalis |
Ontology: Argyll-Robertson pupil (finding) (C0234668)
Concepts | Finding (T033) |
SnomedCT | 267749005, 155204008, 4129001 |
Italian | Pupille di Argyll-Robertson, Pupilla di Argyll Robertson |
Dutch | pupil van Argyll Robertson, fenomeen; Argyll Robertson, pupil; Argyll Robertson, Argyll-Robertson pupillen |
French | Pupille d'Argyll Robertson, Pupilles d'Argyll-Robertson |
German | Argyll-Robertson-Pupille, Argyll-Roberton Zeichen |
Portuguese | Pupila de Argyll Robertson, Pupilas de Argyll-Robertson |
Spanish | Pupila de Argyll Robertson, pupila de Argyll - Robertson (hallazgo), pupila de Argyll - Robertson, Pupilas de Argyll-Robertson |
Japanese | アーガイルロバートソン瞳孔, アーガイルロバートソンドウコウ |
English | Argyll-Robertson pupil (finding), Argyll Robertson pupil (small, react to convergence only), Argyll Robertson pupil (physical finding), Argyll Robertson pupil, the pupil was small and reacted to convergence only, Argyll-Robertson pupils, Pupil Argyll Robertson, argyll pupils robertson, argyll-robertson pupil, argyll robertson pupil, Argyll-Robertson pupil, Argyll Robertson (etiology), Argyll Robertson (manifestation), phenomenon; Argyll Robertson (etiology), phenomenon; Argyll Robertson (manifestation), pupil; Argyll Robertson (etiology), pupil; Argyll Robertson (manifestation) |
Czech | Argyll-Robertsonovy zornice, Argyll Robertsonova zornice |
Hungarian | Argyll Robertson pupilla, Argyll-Robertson-pupillák |
Ontology: Meningovascular syphilis - quaternary stage (C0343695)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 240568004 |
English | Meningovas syph - quat stage, Meningovascular syphilis - quaternary stage, Meningovascular syphilis - quaternary stage (disorder) |
Spanish | sífilis meningocardiovascular, sífilis meningovascular - etapa cuaternaria (trastorno), sífilis meningovascular - etapa cuaternaria |
Ontology: Ocular syphilis (C1444605)
Concepts | Disease or Syndrome (T047) |
SnomedCT | 410478005 |
English | Ocular syphilis (diagnosis), syphilis ocular, Ocular syphilis (disorder), Ocular syphilis |
Spanish | sífilis ocular (trastorno), sífilis ocular |