II. Precautions
- NIH Stroke Scale has imperfect interrater reliability (i.e. different scores by different providers)
- NIH Stroke Scale may be low despite severe, disabling symptoms and signs (e.g. Vertigo in posterior CVA)
- Facial droop may be subtle
- Consider counting visible teeth on each side for comparison
- When a patient is too weak overall to perform a particular exam element
- Default to a lower score (as if patient could perform that element)
- Obviously this does not apply to a focal weakness
- References
- Swadron and Shoenberger in Herbert (2019) EM:Rap 19(3): 1
III. Criteria
- Assess Level of Consciousness (0-3 points)
- Alert: 0
- Alerts to voice: 1
- Alerts to pain: 2
- Unresponsive: 3
- Assess Orientation (0-2 points)
- Current Month (1 point if fails)
- Patient's own Age (1 point if fails)
- Follow Commands (0-2 points)
- Open and close eyes (1 point if fails)
- Make fist and release (1 point if fails)
- Follow my finger (0-2 points)
- Normal: 0
- Partial Gaze Palsy: 1
- Forced deviation: 2
Visual Field (0-3 points)
- No visual loss: 0
- Partial Hemianopsia: 1
- Complete Hemianopsia: 2
- Bilateral Hemianopsia: 3
- Facial palsy (0-3 points)
- Testing: Show teeth, Raise eyebrows, Squeeze eyes shut
- Normal symmetric movements: 0
- Minor paralysis: 1
- Partial paralysis: 2
- Complete paralysis: 3
- Motor: Left Arm (0-4 points)
- Testing: Elevation limb to 90 degrees for 10 seconds
- No drift: 0
- Drifts (within 10 seconds): 1
- Unable to get to and maintain full limb elevation: 2
- Unable to move against gravity (limb falls): 3
- No movement: 4
- Motor: Right Arm (0-4 points)
- Testing: Elevation limb to 90 degrees for 10 seconds
- No drift: 0
- Drifts (within 10 seconds): 1
- Unable to get to and maintain full limb elevation: 2
- Unable to move against gravity (limb falls): 3
- No movement: 4
- Motor: Left Leg (0-4 points)
- Testing: Elevation limb to 30 degrees for 5 seconds
- No drift: 0
- Drifts (within 5 seconds): 1
- Unable to get to and maintain full limb elevation: 2
- Unable to move against gravity (limb falls): 3
- No movement: 4
- Motor: Right Leg (0-4 points)
- Testing: Elevation limb to 30 degrees for 5 seconds
- No drift: 0
- Drifts (within 5 seconds): 1
- Unable to get to and maintain full limb elevation: 2
- Unable to move against gravity (limb falls): 3
- No movement: 4
- Coordination or limb Ataxia (0-2 points)
- Testing: Finger-Nose-Finger, Heel-Knee-Shin
- Absent: 0
- Present in one limb: 1
- Present in both limbs: 2
- Sensory (0-2 points)
- Test: Pin prick to face, arm, trunk, and legs
- Normal: 0
- Mild to moderate sensory loss (reduced, dull): 1
- Severe or total sensory loss (unaware of touch): 2
- Aphasia or Best Language (0-3 points)
Dysarthria (0-2 points)
- Normal articulation: 0
- Mild to moderate Dysarthria: 1
- Severe Dysarthria (nearly unintelligible): 2
- Intubated or other physical barrier: N/A
- Extinction and Inattention or Neglect (0-2 points)
IV. Interpretation
- Score 0
- No Stroke Symptoms
- Score 1-4
- Minor Stroke
- Score 5-15
- Moderate Stroke
- Score 16-20
- Moderate to Severe Stroke
- Score 21-42
- Severe Stroke
V. Resources
- Stroke-Site
VI. Reference
- Spilker (2000) Stroke Intervent 2:7-14
- (2000) Circulation 102(suppl I):I-204 to I-216 [PubMed]