II. Definitions
- Acromioclavicular Dislocation
- Acromioclavicular joint dislocation or "Separation"
III. Epidemiology
- Ages to 20 to 49 years old
- More common in males
- More common in athletes, esp. Contact Sports (football, hockey)
IV. Mechanism
V. Grading: AC joint dislocation (Rockwood Classification)
- Incomplete dislocation (Types I to II, 70-90% of cases, non-operative, conservative management)
- Type I: Simple AC joint Contusion or sprain, no clavicle displacement
- Type II: AC joint ligament rupture, slight clavicle elevation (<25%)
- Complete dislocation (Types III to V)
- Type III: Rupture of coracoclavicular ligaments, moderate clavicle elevation (25-75%)
- Type IV: Joint posteriorly displaced (uncommon), into the trapezius Muscle
- Type V: Overlying Muscle penetrated (uncommon), distal clavicle elevated 100-300%
- Type VI: Clavicle displaced behind biceps (rare), associated with Rib Fractures and neurovascular injury
VI. Symptoms
- Tenderness and swelling over AC joint
- Pain on lifting arm
VII. Signs
- See Hand Neurovascular Exam
- Lateral or distal clavicle elevated
- Deformity if Grade III or higher
- Provocative Maneuvers eliciting pain
- Downward traction on arm
- Shoulder Crossover Maneuver (cross-body adduction of arm)
VIII. Differential Diagnosis
- Rotator Cuff Tear
Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis
- Older patients, with non-Traumatic pain
IX. Imaging: XRay
- Views
- Anteroposterior View (with other side for comparison)
- Highest yield initial XRay
- Zanca View (10-15 degrees cephalic tilt)
- Axillary View
- May better identify posterior AC Dislocations (Type IV)
- Cross Body Adduction View
- Hand on the affected side reaches across the chest to grasp the opposite Shoulder
- Increases clavicle elevation in coracoclavicular ligament injury
- Internal rotation of affected arm
- Consider in Type III rotation
- Anteroposterior View (with other side for comparison)
- Indications
- Differentiate incomplete from complete AC Dislocation
- Evaluate for Clavicle Fractures and other complications
- Obtain opposite side for comparison if laxity is present
- Weighted views are no longer indicated
- Diagnosis is clinical and XRay may be diagnostic with step-off seen
- Comparison films with opposite side are still helpful
- Old protocol used XRay taken with 10 kg weights hanging from each arm
- Measured coracoid process to clavicle distance
- Discrepancy between sides suggested AC Dislocation
- Diagnosis is clinical and XRay may be diagnostic with step-off seen
- Advanced Imaging (e.g. CT Chest) Indications
- Type IV to VI AC Dislocations
- Neurovascular compromise
X. Management
- Orthopedic referral for Type III to VI AC Separations
- Symptomatic relief
- Immobilize with sling for 3 days depending on pain (limiting to short duration is best)
- Avoid sling use >1-2 weeks to prevent Frozen Shoulder
- See RICE-M
- Analgesics as needed
- Clavicle tip often prominent, but usually painless
- Anticipate symptom duration based on type of AC Separation
- Type I: 1-3 weeks of symptoms
- Type II: 4-6 weeks of symptoms
- Type III: 3 months of symptoms
- May require surgical management in active patients (athletes, laborers, military)
- Good outcome in 80% without surgery
- Type IV to VI: Surgical management
- Immobilize with sling for 3 days depending on pain (limiting to short duration is best)
- Active range of motion of strengthening (non-surgical, Type I to III cases)
- Begin range of motion as soon as possible (for non-surgical cases)
- See Shoulder Range of Motion Exercises
- See Shoulder Strengthening Exercises
- Physical therapy to optimize range of motion, Shoulder strength and Scapular stability
- Return to sport when pain free activity that matches the unaffected side
- Other Non-invasive Measures in Refractory Pain Cases
- Acromioclavicular Joint Injection
- Controversial Corticosteroid use (risk of Soft Tissue Injury)
- Acromioclavicular Joint Injection
- Surgery Indications
- Type 4 to 6 AC Dislocation
- Type 3 AC Dislocation if physically active or symptoms persist 3-6 months
XI. Management: Taping Technique (consider in Wilderness)
- Realignment
- Examiner 1 pushes down on clavicle
- Examiner 2 pushes up on upper arm from elbow
- Taping technique
XII. Complications
- Clavicle Fracture (lateral third)
- Coracoid process Fracture
- Sternoclavicular Dislocation
- Brachial Plexus Injury (rare)
- Acromioclavicular joint degenerative changes (AC Arthritis)
XIII. References
- Dolbec (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(1): 17-25
- Kiel and Koneru (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(9): 17-27
- Lin and Silverio in Herbert (2018) EM:Rap 18(1):14-16
- Wirth in Greene (2001) Musculoskeletal Care, p.115-7
- Monica (2016) Am Fam Physician 94(2): 119-27 [PubMed]
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