II. Definitions
- Synovial Sarcoma
- Slow growing, malignant lesion originating in the joints and synovial cells of tendons and bones
- Most often affects the legs (but can also involve abdominal wall and other torso Muscles)
III. Epidemiology
- Peak onset age 30 to 40 years old
IV. Findings
- Slow growing lesion, typically on the legs or trunk, from 3 to 10 cm in diameter
V. Imaging
- XRay
- Calcifications may be present (33% of cases)
- Bony erosions in up to 20% of cases
- Heterogeneous mass with interspersed necrosis
- Well demarcated mass with similar isointensity to Muscle on T1
VI. Management
- Refer for core needle biopsy and surgical resection