II. Exam: Observation and Palpation
- Images
- Assess Curvature
- Kyphosis
- Lordosis
Chest Expansion with inspiration and expiration
- Normal expansion: 5 cm
- Ankylosing Spondylitis: < 2.5 cm
- Iliac crests
- Palpate for equal level
- If not level, use footboards to raise shorter leg
- Assess amount of shoe lift to level Pelvis
- Shoulders
- Spine and Sacroiliac joints
- Palpate and percuss for spasm and tenderness
- Spinous process tenderness suggests Vertebral Fracture
- Step-off at L5 suggests Spondylolisthesis
III. Exam: Range of Motion
- Flexion on forward bending
- Measure as distance between fingertips and floor
- Lumbar Spine mobility
- Hamstring flexibility
- While bending assess Scoliosis (Shoulders even?)
- While bending observe from side
- Persistence of lumbar lordosis due to Muscle spasm
- Limited in Spondylolisthesis (due to hamstring spasm)
- Measure as distance between fingertips and floor
- Extension of back
- Pain on extension seen in spinal stenosis
- One Legged Hyperextension (for SI Joint Dysfunction)
- Right and Left lateral Bending
- Pain bending toward affected side
- Pain bending away from affected side
IV. Exam: Gait
- Walk on heels (L5 root)
- Walk on toes (S1 root)
Tandem Walk
- Incoordination may suggest cerebellar disorder(e.g. Multiple Sclerosis)