II. Indications
III. Technique
- Step 1: Goal Post Position
- Patient abducts both arms to 90 degrees
- Both arms are externally rotated
- Elbows flexed to 90 degrees
- Palms face forward
- Step 2: Stress Test
- Patient clenches and releases their fists (open and close hands) repoeatedly over a 3 minute period
IV. Interpretation
- Negative
- Positive
- Progressive pain at the neck or Shoulders radiating into the arm
- Paresthesias in Forearms and fingers
- Severe Fatigue in which patient cannot complete test
- Hand palm color may change
- Venous obstruction: Plethoric blue, swollen hand
- Arterial obstruction: Pale hand
V. Resources
VI. References
- Mallon and Shoenberger in Herbert (2019) EM:Rap 19(2): 13-15