II. Indication
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip evaluation
- Performed in infants and children who are walking
- Identify hip abductor weakness (especially gluteus medius)
- Intrinsic Hip Joint pathology may also cause Trandelenburg Gait
III. Exam: Modified Trandelenburg Test (Standing)
- Technique
- Patient stands on affected leg and lifts the unaffected leg from floor
- Interpretation: Positive Test
- Pelvis (iliac crest) drops down on side of lifted leg, below the level of the painful, affected side (more than 2 cm)
IV. Exam: Trandelenburg Test or Trendelenburg Gait (Walking)
- Limp on side with dislocation
- Center of gravity shifted over non-affected side
- Pelvis drops down toward unaffected side (more than 2 cm) during the heel strike on the affected side
V. Interpretation: Positive Modified Trandelenburg Test (or Trandelenburg Gait)
- Weakness on the affected side
- Hip Labral Tear
- Transient Synovitis
- Leg-Calve-Perthes Disease
- Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
- Gluteal Tendinopathy
VI. References
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Related Studies
Concepts | Diagnostic Procedure (T060) |
SnomedCT | 66165006 |
English | Trendelenburg test, Trendelenburg test (procedure) |
Spanish | prueba de Trendelenburg (procedimiento), prueba de Trendelenburg |
Ontology: Trendelenburg's symptom (C0919586)
Concepts | Sign or Symptom (T184) |
Italian | Sintomo di Trendelenburg |
Japanese | トレンデレンブルグ症状, トレンデレンブルグショウジョウ |
Czech | Trendelenburgův příznak |
Hungarian | Trendelenburg-tünet |
English | Trendelenburg's symptom |
Portuguese | Sintoma de Trendelenburg |
Spanish | Signo de Trendelenburg |
Dutch | symptoom van Trendelenburg |
French | Symptôme de Trendelenburg |
German | Trendelenburg-Zeichen |