II. Indication

  1. Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip evaluation
    1. Performed in infants and children who are walking
  2. Identify hip abductor weakness (especially gluteus medius)
  3. Intrinsic Hip Joint pathology may also cause Trandelenburg Gait

III. Exam: Modified Trandelenburg Test (Standing)

  1. Technique
    1. Patient stands on affected leg and lifts the unaffected leg from floor
  2. Interpretation: Positive Test
    1. Pelvis (iliac crest) drops down on side of lifted leg, below the level of the painful, affected side (more than 2 cm)

IV. Exam: Trandelenburg Test or Trendelenburg Gait (Walking)

  1. Limp on side with dislocation
  2. Center of gravity shifted over non-affected side
  3. Pelvis drops down toward unaffected side (more than 2 cm) during the heel strike on the affected side

V. Interpretation: Positive Modified Trandelenburg Test (or Trandelenburg Gait)

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