II. Anatomy
Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)
III. Indications
- Extensor Tendon Injury evaluation at PIP Joint
- Risk of Central Slip Extensor Tendon Injury and secondary Boutonniere Deformity
IV. Exam: Elson Test
- Technique
- Patient rests their hand on table with involved finger flexed 90 degrees at the PIP Joint over the table edge
- Patient attempts to extend finger at PIP joint against resistance
- Interpretation
- Positive if weak extension against resistance (Central Slip Extensor Tendon Injury)
- Also observe if distal phalanx hyperextends while attempting PIP extension (due to lateral band tension)
V. Resources
- Extensor Tendon Injuries: PIP and Elson's Test
- Youtube Video (Univ. Michigan Family Medicine)
VI. References
- Spangler and Lin (2016) EM:Rap 16(1): 18
- Elson (1986) J Bone Joint Surg Br 68(2):229-31 +PMID:3958008 [PubMed]