II. Efficacy
- No scientific support for effect in any condition
- Meta-analysis of 89 controlled trials
- Effect not fully explained by Placebo
- Ineffective for any single condition
- Linde (1997) Lancet 350:834 [PubMed]
- Not found to be effective in:
III. Precautions
- Dilute solutions without any proven efficacy or safety
- Hemeopathic agents may claim any benefit and safety without evidence or penalty from FDA
- Homeopathic agents contain ingredient concentrations so low, they may lack even a single molecule
- Contaminants may be present, with risk of harm, and in higher concentrations than the active ingredient
IV. Ingredients
- Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of United States
- Includes 1200 homeopathic recipes
- Based on "like cures like"
- Example: Emetic Strychnine used as Anti-emetic
- Based on individual's experiences ("Provings")
- Contents
- Minerals
- Botanicals
- Animal parts
- Microorganisms
- Dilution
- Serial Dilutions
- X (1/10): 1X=1/10, 3X=1000, 6X=1/Million
- C (1/100): 1C=1/100, 3C=1/Million
- Typical Dilution: 6X to 30C (as high as 200C)
- 24X (12C) is diluted above Avogadro's Number
- Unlikely that product contains even one molecule
- Vallance (1998) J Altern Complement Med [PubMed]
- Serial Dilutions
V. References
- (2022) Presc Lett 29(4): 22-3