II. Indications
- Insomnia
- Proposed for anxiety (inconclusive data)
III. Physiology
- Sedative effects related to Valeric Acid component
IV. Dosing: Insomnia (taken 30-120 minutes before bedtime)
- Best efficacy with continuous use >10-14 days
- Extract: 300-600 mg PO qhs
- Dried root: 2-3 grams in hot water 15 minutes PO qhs
V. Efficacy: Insomnia
- Improved Sleep Latency and quality
- References
VI. Adverse effects (uncommon)
- Sleepiness on awakening (associated with 900 mg dose)
- Headache
- Gastrointestinal upset
- Withdrawal symptoms when stopped
- May be similar to Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
VII. Drug Interactions
- No significant Drug Interactions