II. Anatomy

  1. orthoArmWristHamateBoneLtGrayBB228.gif Lewis (1918) Gray's Anatomy 20th ed (in public domain at Yahoo or BartleBy)

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Ontology: Bone structure of hamate (C0560737)

Definition (NCI) The medial bone in the distal row of carpal bones.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) The medial bone in the distal row of carpal bones. (NCI)
Definition (MSH) A carpal bone located between the CAPITATE BONE and the TRIQUETRUM BONE. The hamate has a prominent process that projects anteriorly.
Concepts Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
MSH D051225
SnomedCT 28839003
French Hamatum, Os hamatum, Os crochu, Os unciforme
Swedish Hamatum
Czech os hamatum, hákovitá kost
Finnish Hakaluu
English Hamate, Os hamatum, Bone of hamate, Bone of hamate bone, hamate bone, hamate, HAMATE BONE, Fourth carpal bone, Hamate bone, Unciform bone, Uncinate bone, Bone structure of hamate (body structure), Bone structure of hamate, Hamate bone, NOS, Unciform Bone, Uncinate Bone, Hamate Bone, Bone, Hamate, Bones, Hamate, Hamate Bones, Os Hamatum
Spanish cuarto hueso del carpo, hueso uncinado, cuarto hueso carpiano, Hueso Unciforme, Os Unciforme, estructura ósea de hueso ganchoso (estructura corporal), estructura ósea de hueso ganchoso, hueso ganchoso, hueso unciforme, Hueso Ganchoso
Polish Kość haczykowata
Japanese 有鉤骨, 有鈎骨
Norwegian Os hamatum, Krokbein, Hamatus, Krokben
Portuguese Osso Hamato, Hamato
German Hakenbein, Os hamatum
Italian Osso uncinato