II. Indications

  1. Scaphoid Fracture
  2. First Metacarpal Fracture (non-angulated, non-displaced)
  3. De Quervain Tenosynovitis
  4. Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis

III. Technique: Splinting

  1. Positions
    1. Thumb in position of function (holding can)
    2. Wrist extended to 20-25 degrees
    3. Forearm in neutral position
  2. Fiberglass splint
    1. OrthoWristThumbSpicaSplint.png
    2. Splint radial aspect of Forearm from proximal third of Forearm to thumb DIP joint
  3. Alternatives
    1. Pre-fabricated splint (cushioned plastic with straps)

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Definition (UMD) Functional carpo-metacarpal/metacarpo-phalangeal (CMC/MCP) joint orthoses designed to make possible and/or improve the functional activities of the thumb joints during common daily activities. These devices also facilitate active thumb use and functional use of the hand. These orthoses (known as thumb spica orthosis) typically consist of semi-rigid devices that place the thumb in the abducted position, opposed to the fingers. Both thumb spica orthoses that only encompass the hand and orthoses that encircle the lower part of the forearm are also available. Thumb spica orthoses are used mainly during daily activities to improve functional use of the hand and/or to reduce pain after injuries. The orthoses may be also used to prevent thumb deformities (e.g., swan-neck and/or boutonniere types) in arthritis patients.
Concepts Medical Device (T074)
English Thumb Spica Carpo-Metacarpal Joint Orthoses, Thumb Spica Metacarpo-Phalangeal Joint Orthoses, Orthoses, Upper Limb, Finger, Carpo-Metacarpal/Metacarpo-Phalangeal Joint, Functional, Thumb Spica