II. Definitions

  1. Orthotic
    1. Extremity device that controls or enhances movement, or prevents deformity
    2. Examples include foot inserts for arch support, Knee Braces and Wrist Splints

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Ontology: Orthotic Devices (C0029365)

Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (CHV) A device applied to a human limb to control or enhance movement or to prevent bone movement or deformity, for example, a splint or an arch support.
Definition (UMD) Devices designed for external modification of the structural and/or functional characteristics of the whole body or a body part (i.e., orthoses), usually pertaining to the neuromuscular and/or skeletal systems. These devices support, supplement, and/or align the neuromuscular or skeletal system Orthoses are intended for physical medicine, physical therapy, and rehabilitation treatments, frequently associated with orthopedic procedures. These devices are usually classified according to the physical (anatomic) body part where they are applied (e.g., head, spine, thorax, lower or upper limb); the function of the orthoses (e.g., immobilization, support, therapeutic, functional); and the physical characteristics (e.g., shape, consistency) and/or material used to make the orthosis (metal, plastics or a combination of these). Dedicated orthoses, either standard or custom made, intended for a particular body part and/or function are available. They are commonly known as supports, slings, belts, splints, braces, and immobilizers.
Definition (MSH) Apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities or to improve the function of movable parts of the body.
Concepts Medical Device (T074)
MSH D009989
SnomedCT 224898003
English Device, Orthotic, Devices, Orthotic, Orthoses, Orthosis, Orthotic Device, Orthotic Devices, orthosis, Orthotics, orthotic devices, orthotic devices (treatment), device orthotic, orthotic device, devices orthotic, orthoses, Orthotic device, Orthotic device (physical object), Orthotics each item, orthotics ea.Itm
Swedish Ortoser
Czech ortézy, protetické prostředky
Finnish Ortoosit
Italian Ortosi, Apparecchi ortotici
French Dispositifs orthétiques, Appareils orthétiques, Orthèses
Croatian ORTOZE
Polish Orteza, Aparaty ortopedyczne, Ortezy, Artykuły ortopedyczne, Przyrządy ortopedyczne
Japanese 補助具, 装具用装置, 装着装具
Portuguese Órteses, Aparelhos Ortopédicos, Ortose
Norwegian Ortopediske hjelpemidler, Ortoser
Spanish dispositivo ortótico (objeto físico), dispositivo ortótico, Ortosis, Aparatos Ortopédicos
German Orthesis, Orthetische Vorrichtungen, Orthosen
Dutch Orthese, Orthesen