II. Epidemiology
III. Types
- Dislocation directions (ulna relative to Humerus)
- Posterior Elbow Dislocation (80-90%, typically posteolateral dislocation)
- Anterior Dislocation (uncomon)
- Pure lateral or medial dislocations (rare)
- Complexity
IV. Mechanism
- Posterior Elbow Dislocation
- Fall on Outstretched Hand with elbow hyperextended
- Most common in sporting events
- Anterior Elbow Dislocation (uncommon)
- Direct impact to posterior olecranon in a flexed elbow
V. Exam
- In addition to elbow, evaluate Shoulder and wrist for concurrent injury
- Evaluate Hand Neurovascular Exam (before and after reduction)
- Ask about coolness, numbness or Paresthesias of the hand
- Evaluate radial pulse, distal coloration and Capillary Refill
- Brachial artery injury is the key vascular injury risk (occurs in 5-13% of cases)
- Evaluate median (ok sign), ulnar (finger abduction) and Radial Nerve (wrist dorsiflexion) function
- Median and Ulnar Nerve injury are the key neurologic risks
VI. Signs
- Obvious elbow deformity
- Abnormal alignment of olecranon and both epicondyles
- Elbow flexed to 90 degrees
- Assess alignment of these 3 points at elbow
- Normal: equilateral triangle
- Dislocated: straight line
Radial Head Fracture easy to feel at lateral epicondyle
- Vascular compromise unlikely if present
VII. Differential Diagnosis
- Supracondylar Fracture
- Medial Epicondyle avulsion Fracture
- Radial Head Fracture
VIII. Imaging
- Elbow XRay (AP and Lateral)
Elbow CT
- Consider in complex Fracture dislocations requiring operative repair
IX. Precautions: Emergent Orthopedic Consultation Indications (Complex Dislocation)
- Open Fracture Dislocation
- Vascular Compromise or Disruption (esp. Brachial Artery)
- Entrapped soft tissue and non-reducible dislocation
- Compartment Syndrome
X. Technique: Reduction
- Consider pre-procedure analgesia
- Consider Joint Injection of Anesthetic
- Usually performed under Procedural Sedation
- Consider under Regional Anesthesia
- Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
- Risk of phrenic nerve injury
- Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block
- Infraclavicular Brachial PlexusNerve Block
- https://www.nysora.com/topics/regional-anesthesia-for-specific-surgical-procedures/upper-extremity-regional-anesthesia-for-specific-surgical-procedures/anesthesia-and-analgesia-for-elbow-and-forearm-procedures/ultrasound-guided-infraclavicular-brachial-plexus-block/
- May be safer and more effective than the more traditional, older blocks
- Avoid in underlying lung disease
- Heflin (2015) Am J Emerg Med 33(9):1324.e1-4 +PMID: 26231527 [PubMed]
- Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
- Background
- Posterior dislocation (90% of cases) reduction is described
- Anterior reductions require reverse of pressure applied at olecranon (posterior)
- Backward pressure on proximal Forearm
- Parvin's Method for Posterior Elbow Dislocation (prone, often first maneuver)
- Position
- Technique 1
- Examiner grasps the patient's wrist, slightly supinates the Forearm, and applies downward traction at wrist
- Examiner, with other hand, applies downward pressure at olecranon process
- Also disengage the coronoid process from olecranon fossa by applying downward pressure
- Gently extend elbow to 25-30 degrees
- Technique 2 (if technique 1 fails)
- Place pillow under distal Humerus (just proximal to elbow)
- Attach 5-10 pound weight at the wrist and wait several minutes
- Completion
- Anticipate a "clunk" as the elbow relocates
- Confirm relocation with gentle range of motion
- Straight Traction for Posterior Elbow Dislocation (two person technique)
- Position
- Technique
- Completion
- Anticipate a "clunk" as the elbow relocates
- Confirm relocation with gentle range of motion
XI. Management: Post-Reduction
- Obtain post-reduction Elbow XRay (AP and Lateral)
- Evaluate Hand Neurovascular Exam after reduction
- See exam above
- Check gentle range of motion of elbow for instability
- Perform gentle varus and valgus testing for stability
- Immobilize elbow in molded posterior plaster or fiberglass splint
- Splint elbow at 90 degrees flexion
- Allows ligament and capsular healing
- Splint for 3-5 days (or until orthopedic or sports medicine follow-up)
- Avoid prolonged immobilization (esp. >2-3 weeks)
- Improved outcomes with early range of motion
- Splint elbow at 90 degrees flexion
- Gentle Range of motion after Splinting
- Never force range of motion (worsens injury)
- Temporary stiffness is common
Discharge Instructions
- Ice on for 20 min/hour for first few days
- Elevation
- Sling with splint until follow-up
- Return immediately for numb, cold, pale or immobile hand
- Follow-up with orthopedics or sports medicine in next few days
- Surgical Indications
- See emergent Consultation indications above under precautions (esp. neurovascular injury)
- Elbow Dislocation not able to be reduced under Procedural Sedation
- Chronic dislocation
- Locked Elbow Dislocation due to interposed tissue
- Unstable elbow Fracture dislocations
- Elbow Terrible Triad (Elbow Dislocation with both Radial Head Fracture and Coronoid Process Fracture)
XII. Prognosis
- Full elbow Range of motion may take months
- May have some residual restriction in range of motion
- Often minor restriction
- Does not interfere with function
XIII. Complications
Elbow Instability
- Medial or lateral collateral ligaments are frequently disrupted
- Interosseous ligament injury (Essex-Lopresti lesion) may also occur
- Brachial Artery Injury (5-13% of cases)
- Median Nerve Injury
- Ulnar Nerve Injury
- Elbow Posterolateral Fracture Dislocation (Terrible Triad of the Elbow)
XIV. References
- Chapman (2019) Crit Dec Emerg Med 33(10):12-3
- Eiff (2018) Fracture Management for Primary Care, Elsevier, Philadelphia, p. 151-3
- Huang (2021) Crit Dec Emerg Med 35(1): 12-3
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