II. Definitions

  1. Coronoid Process Fracture
    1. Proximal Ulna Fracture at the coronoid process

III. Physiology

  1. Coronoid process is the anterior projection of the olecranon that prevents posterior displacement of the elbow

IV. Epidemiology

  1. Rare Fracture that accompanies 10-15% of Elbow Dislocations

V. Imaging

  1. Elbow XRay
    1. Best seen on lateral view

VI. Evaluation

  1. Arm neurovascular assessment
    1. Radial pulse at elbow at 90 degrees flexion

VII. Management

  1. Elbow Dislocation management
  2. Orthopedic Consultation in most cases
    1. Elbow Dislocation with persistent instability
    2. Coronoid Process Fracture with displacement
  3. Conservative management
    1. Long Arm Splint with elbow at 90 degrees flexion for up to 3 weeks
      1. Range of motion may be initiated after 1-3 weeks if repeat imaging shows no further displacement
    2. Indications
      1. Isolated Coronoid Process Fracture with no other associated injuries
      2. Fractures with <5 mm displacement
      3. Stable elbow

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English Fracture coronoid process ulna, fracture of ulna proximal end coronoid process, Fracture of coronoid process of ulna (diagnosis), Fracture of coronoid process of ulna, Fracture of coronoid process of ulna (disorder), fracture; ulna, coronoid process, ulna; fracture, coronoid process
Spanish fractura de la apófisis coronoide del cúbito, fractura de apófisis coronoides de cúbito (trastorno), fractura de la apófisis coronoide del cúbito (trastorno), fractura de apófisis coronoides de cúbito
Dutch fractuur; ulna, processus coronoideus, ulna; fractuur, processus coronoideus