Definition (NCI)
A congenital, usually bilateral, thick web-like fold of skin that extends from the acromion to the mastoid process. This deformity is associated with Turner Syndrome and Noonan Syndrome.
Concepts |
Congenital Abnormality
ICD9 |
744.5 |
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
11731003, 204280000, 204281001, 249667006, 204279003, 271281009 |
English |
Webbing of neck, Pterygium colli, Congenital webbing of neck NOS, Congenital neck webbing unsp., Congenital neck webbing, unspecified, webbing of neck, webbing of neck (diagnosis), webbed neck (physical finding), webbed neck, Pterygium Colli, Webbed Neck, neck webbing, pterygium colli, webbing neck, web neck, Neck webs, Congenital webbing of neck (disorder), Congenital webbing of neck NOS (disorder), Neck webbing (finding), Congenital neck webbing, unspecified (disorder), Neck Webbing, Webbed neck, Congenital webbing of neck, Neck webbing, Neck webbing (disorder), colli; pterygium, neck; web, pterygium; colli, web; neck |
Italian |
Pterigio del collo
Dutch |
webbed neck', colli; pterygium, neck; web, pterygium; colli, web; neck, Webbed Neck, pterygium colli |
French |
Cou palmé, Ptérygium colli |
German |
Flughautbildung am Hals, Fluegelfell des Halses, Pterygium colli |
Portuguese |
Pterígio do pescoço, Pterígio colli |
Spanish |
Excrecencia membranosa del cuello, cuello membranoso congénito, SAI (trastorno), cuello membranoso congénito, SAI, cuello membranoso congénito, no especificado, cuello membranoso congénito, no especificado (trastorno), brida congénita del cuello, cuello membranoso, pterigión cervical (trastorno), pterigión cervical, Pterygium colli |
Japanese |
翼状頚, ヨクジョウケイ |
Czech |
Pterygium colli, Kožní řasa |
Korean |
Hungarian |
Pterygium colli, Nyaki háló |