II. Physiology

  1. Substances with odor (odorants) enter nose
  2. Nasal mucosa absorbs odorants
  3. Odorants stimulate olfactory receptors at the Cribiform Plate neuroepithelium
    1. Olfactory receptors regenerate every 8 to 10 days
    2. Followed by 5 days of cilia maturation
  4. Smell-related signals pass via the Olfactory Bulb to the olfactory cerebral cortex

III. Anatomy

  1. Olfactory Nerve and Olfactory Bulb (Cranial Nerve 1)
    1. Primary transmission of Smell Sensation
  2. Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve 5) - Ophthalmic and Maxillary Divisions
    1. Influence Temperature, irritation and sharpness Sensations

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Ontology: Smell Perception (C0037361)

Definition (MSH) The ability to detect scents or odors, such as the function of OLFACTORY RECEPTOR NEURONS.
Definition (ICF-CY) Exploring objects by bringing them to the nose or the nose to objects.
Definition (GO) The series of events required for an organism to receive an olfactory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors. This is a neurological process. [GOC:ai, http://www.onelook.com/]
Definition (NCI) The faculty of smell.
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS) The sense of smell.
Definition (CSP) sensation or perception of scents or odors; sense of smell.
Concepts Organism Function (T040)
MSH D012903
SnomedCT 70721003, 397686008
English Sense of smell, Olfaction, Smell, Ability to recognise smell, Ability to recognize smell, smell perception, scent perception, sensory perception of smell, Olfactory, smell, Sense of Smell, Smell Sense, Smelling, sense of smell, smelling, smelled, olfactory sense, smell sense, smells, olfaction, olfactory, Sense of smell, function (observable entity), Sense of smell, function, Olfaction, NOS, Smell, NOS, Sense of smell (function), Smell Perception, Olfactory Perception
German Geruch, Riechen, Geruchssinn, Geruchsvermögen, Olfaktus
Swedish Lukt
Czech čich
Finnish Hajuaistimus
Japanese 嗅感覚, 臭覚, 嗅ぐこと, 嗅覚
Italian Olfatto, Odorato
Croatian NJUH
Polish Węch, Powonienie
Norwegian Lukt
Spanish olfacción, sentido del olfato, olfato (entidad observable), olfato, olfato (función), sentido del olfato, función (entidad observable), sentido del olfato, función, Olfato, Olfacción
Dutch Reuk, Reukzin
Portuguese Olfação, Olfato
French Olfaction, Odorat