II. Definitions
- Triglyceride
- Lipid composed of three molecules of Fatty Acid esterified to Glycerol
- Triglycerides are a non-polar fat synthesized from Carbohydrates or ingested
- Triglycerides are High Energy Molecules that are stored for later use in animal adipose cells (fat cells)
- Diglyceride
- Lipid composed of two Fatty Acid chains esterified to Glycerol
- Monoglyceride
- Lipid composed of a single Fatty Acid chain esterified to Glycerol
- Phosphoglyceride
III. Physiology
- See Lipids
- See Fatty Acids
IV. Interpretation: Serum Triglycerides
- Normal: <150 mg/dl
- High: 150 to 499 mg/dl
- Severe: >=500 mg/dl
V. Causes: Increased Triglycerides (Secondary Hypertriglyceridemia Causes)
- Pregnancy (Estrogen Mediated)
- Alcohol Abuse
- Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Pancreatitis
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Chronic Renal Insufficiency
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Endocrine Disease
- Medications
Genetic Syndromes
- Glycogen Storage Disease
- Hyperlipoproteinemia (types I, IIb, III, IV, and V)
- Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia
- Familial Hypertriglyceridemia
- Familial Dysbetalipoproteinemia
- Familial Hypoalphalipoproteinemia
- Familial Hyperchylomicronemia
VI. Causes: Decreased Triglycerides
- Malnutrition
- Abetalipoproteinemia
- Medications
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Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) |
Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. Too much of this type of fat may raise the risk of coronary artery disease, especially in women. A blood test measures your triglycerides along with your cholesterol. Normal triglyceride levels are below 150. Levels above 200 are high. Factors that can raise your triglyceride level include
You may be able to lower your triglycerides with a combination of losing weight, diet, and exercise. You also may need to take medicine to lower your triglycerides. NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute |
Definition (NCI_CRCH) | Lipid composed of three fatty acids bonded to glycerol (Wardlaw, et al.). |
Definition (NCI) | Fats composed of three fatty acid chains linked to a glycerol molecule. |
Definition (CSP) | compound consisting of three moleules of fatty acid esterified to glycerol; a neutral fat synthesized from carbohydrates for storage in animal adipose cells. |
Concepts | Lipid (T119) , Biologically Active Substance (T123) |
MSH | D014280 |
SnomedCT | 85600001 |
LNC | LP15275-8, LP32173-4, MTHU003166 |
English | Triacylglycerols, Triglycerides, Triglycerides [Chemical/Ingredient], triglycerides, triacylglycerols, triglyceride, triacylglycerol, Triacylglycerol, Triglyceride, TG - Triglyceride, Triacylglycerol (substance), TRIGLYCERIDES |
Swedish | Triglycerider |
Czech | triacylglycerol, triglyceridy, triacylglyceroly |
Finnish | Triglyseridit |
Italian | Triacilglicerolo, Triacilgliceroli, Trigliceridi |
Japanese | トリアシルグリセロール, トリグリセリド, トリグリセライド |
Polish | Trójglicerydy, Triglicerydy, Triacyloglicerole |
Portuguese | Triglicéridos, Triglicérides, Triglicerídios, Triacilgliceróis, Triacilglicerol, Triglicerídeos |
Spanish | triacilglicerol, triglicérido (sustancia), triglicérido, Triacilgliceroles, Triacilglicerol, Triglicéridos |
French | Triglycéride |
German | Triacylglycerine, Triglyceride, Triacylglycerol |
Ontology: Serum Triglyceride Measurement (C0542495)
Definition (NCI) | A quantitative measurement of the amount of triglycerides present in a sample of serum. |
Concepts | Laboratory Procedure (T059) |
SnomedCT | 166851006, 144121005, 144128004, 166845001, 271245006 |
LNC | LP145986-8 |
English | Serum triglycerides, Serum triglycerides NOS, Serum Triglyceride Measurement, serum triglyceride measurement (lab test), serum triglyceride measurement, serum triglycerides, serum triglyceride, triglycerides serum, serum triglyceride test, triglyceride serum, Triglyceride.serum, Serum triglycerides (& level), Serum triglycerides (& level) (procedure), Serum triglycerides NOS (procedure), Triglycerides - serum, Serum Triglycerides Test, Serum triglyceride levels, Measurement of serum triglyceride level (procedure), Measurement of serum triglyceride level |
Dutch | serum triglyceriden |
French | Triglycérides sériques |
German | Triglyzeride im Serum |
Italian | Trigliceridi sierici |
Portuguese | Triglicéridos séricos |
Spanish | Triglicéridos en suero, determinación de niveles séricos de TG, medición sérica del nivel de triglicéridos, medición del nivel de triglicéridos en suero, medición sérica del nivel de triglicéridos (procedimiento), medición del nivel de triglicéridos en suero (procedimiento), medición sérica del nivel de TG, Serum triglycerides NOS, determinación sérica de triglicéridos, SAI, determinación sérica de triglicéridos, SAI (procedimiento), determinación de niveles séricos de triglicéridos |
Japanese | 血清トリグリセリド, ケッセイトリグリセリド |
Czech | Sérové triglyceridy |
Hungarian | Szérum trigliceridek |