II. Epidemiology
- Children of at least 4 years old
- Affects 1-4% of school aged children
- Boys more affected than girls
III. History
- Stool pattern
- History of Constipation (Age of onset)
- History of Stool Soiling
- Age of onset
- Type and amount of material
- Diet history
- Type and amount of food
- Changes in diet
- Associated symptoms
- Abdominal Pain
- Decrease in appetite
- Urinary symptoms
- Medications
- Family History of Constipation
IV. Diagnosis: DSM 5
- Elimination disorder that occurs with or without stool retention
- Soiling as a key feature, with repeated passage of feces in inappropriate places (on the floor, inside clothing)
- One or more events each month for 3 or more months
V. Assessment: Readiness for Toilet Training
- Usually occurs between 24-30 months
- Physical Readiness
- Developmental readiness
- Awareness of stooling time
- Facial expressions or squatting with stooling
- Go to specific or private location to stool
- Motor skills
- Walk to bathroom
- Undress
- Sit on toilet
- Flush
- Cognitive skills
- Understanding toileting words (wet, bathroom)
- Awareness of stooling time
VI. Assessment: Behavioral
- Disruptive behavior problems
- Aggression
- Oppositional behavior
- Temper tantrums
- Child compliance with adult instructions
- Bedtime, Bath-time, and Dressing
- Child should follow 7 of 10 instructions
- Daily diary of toileting habits
VII. Examination
- Growth Curve plotted
- Pediatric Height
- Pediatric Weight
- Abdominal Distention
- Abdominal mass (suprapubic)
- Sacral dimple
- Position of anus
- Anal Fissure
- Anal Wink
- Sphincter tone
- Rectal vault size
- Presence or absence of stool in Rectum
- Pelvic mass
- Neurological exam
VIII. Differential Diagnosis: Retentive Encopresis
Functional Constipation (95%)
- Typically related to stool witholding
- Anal causes
- Anal Fissure
- Anal stenosis or anal atresia with fistula
- Anterior displacement of anus
- Anal Trauma
- Postsurgical repair
- Neurogenic causes
- Hirschsprung's Disease
- Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
- Spinal cord disorders (e.g. Spinal Dysraphism)
- Cerebral Palsy or hypotonia
- Pelvic mass
- Neuromuscular disease
- Endocrine causes
- Medications
IX. Differential Diagnosis: Functional Encopresis
- Functional Encopresis (99%)
- Severe Ulcerative Colitis
- Acquired spinal cord disease
- Sacral Lipoma
- Spinal cord tumor
- Rectoperineal fistula with imperforate anus
- Postsurgical damage to anal sphincter
X. Management
- Evaluate and treat causes of Retentive Encopresis
- See Functional Encopresis
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German | Nichtorganische Enkopresis, Einkoten, Enkopresis, Einstuhlen |
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Croatian | ENKOPREZA |
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