Definition (MSHCZE)
Stav charakterizovaný krvácením z lineárních ruptur v oblasti ezofagogastrické junkce. Vzniká při silném zvracení, někdy u alkoholiků; jedna z příčin HEMATEMEZE. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2012 )
Definition (NCI)
A disorder characterized by upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding caused by longitudinal mucosal tears in the gastroesophageal junction. The tears result from retching or forceful coughing. It was initially described in alcoholics.
Definition (MSH)
A condition characterized by mucosal tears at the ESOPHAGOGASTRIC JUNCTION, sometimes with HEMATEMESIS. Typically it is caused by forceful bouts of retching or VOMITING.
Concepts |
Disease or Syndrome
ICD9 |
530.7 |
ICD10 |
SnomedCT |
35265002, 155678004, 196620006, 307131005 |
English |
Mallory Weiss Syndrome, Mallory-Weiss Syndrome, Syndrome, Mallory-Weiss, MALLORY-WEISS SYNDROME, Gastro-oeso lac-haem syn, MALLORY WEISS SYNDROME, Gastresophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, Gastrooesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, Mallory Weiss syndrome (diagnosis), Mallory Weiss syndrome, Mallory Weiss tear, Mallory-weiss syndrome, Gastroesophageal laceration syndrome, Mallory-Weiss Syndrome [Disease/Finding], Gastroesophageal Laceration-Hemorrhage, Mallory Weiss Laceration, Mucosal Lacerations Gastroesophageal Junction, Lacerations-Gastroesophageal Junction, Mucosal, Mallory-Weiss Tear, Mallory Weiss Tear, Junction, Mucosal Lacerations-Gastroesophageal, Laceration, Mallory-Weiss, Lacerations-Gastroesophageal Junctions, Mucosal, Mucosal Lacerations-Gastroesophageal Junctions, Gastroesophageal Laceration Hemorrhage, Mucosal Lacerations-Gastroesophageal Junction, Laceration-Hemorrhages, Gastroesophageal, Mallory-Weiss Laceration, Junctions, Mucosal Lacerations-Gastroesophageal, Laceration-Hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal, Gastroesophageal Laceration-Hemorrhages, esophagus tears, mallory weiss syndrome, esophagus tearing, mallory weiss tearing, mallory weiss tears, mallory-weiss tear, mallory-weiss syndrome, mallory tears weiss, esophagus tear, Gastrooesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome, mallory weiss tear, Mallory-Weiss tear (diagnosis), Mallory-Weiss syndrome, Gastro-esophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, Gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome, Mallory-Weiss tear, Mallory-Weiss syndrome (disorder), Mallory-Weiss tear (disorder), Mallory-Weiss, gastroesophageal; laceration-hemorrhage syndrome, syndrome; gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage |
Portuguese |
SINDROME DE MALLORY-WEISS, Síndrome de laceração-hemorragia gastresofágica, Rasgadura de Mallory-Weiss, Síndrome de Mallory-Weiss |
Dutch |
Mallory-Weiss-scheur, gastro-oesofageal laceratie-hemorragie-syndroom, gastro-oesofageale bloedende laceraties syndroom, gastro-oesofagaal; laceratiebloeding-syndroom, syndroom; gastro-oesofagale laceratiebloeding, Gastro-oesofagaal laceratie-bloedingssyndroom, syndroom van Mallory-Weiss, Mallory-Weiss-syndroom, Syndroom van Mallory-Weiss, Syndroom, Mallory-Weiss- |
French |
Syndrome de dilacération hémorragique gastro-oesophagienne, Syndrome de déchirure-hémorragie de l'oesophage, Syndrome gastro-oesophagien de déchirure-hémorragie, Déchirure de Mallory-Weiss, SYNDROME DE MALLORY-WEISS, Syndrome de Mallory-Weiss |
German |
Mallory-Weiss-Syndrom (blutende Schleimhauteinrisse von Magen und Speiseroehre), Mallory-Weiss-Schleimhauteinriss, Mallory-Weiss Syndrom, Mallory-Weiss-Syndrom |
Italian |
Sindrome con lacerazione ed emorragia gastroesofagea, Sindrome da lacerazione-emorragia gastroesofagea, Lacerazione di Mallory Weiss, Sindrome di Mallory-Weiss |
Spanish |
Desgarro de Mallory-Weiss, Síndrome de desgarro y hemorragia gastroesofágicos, Síndrome de laceración gastroesofágica y hemorragia, desgarro de Mallory-Weiss (trastorno), desgarro de Mallory-Weiss, síndrome de Mallory - Weiss (trastorno), síndrome de Mallory - Weiss, síndrome de Mallory-Weiss, síndrome de laceración hemorrágica gastroesofágica, Síndrome de Mallory-Weiss |
Japanese |
マロリー・ワイス裂傷, マロリー・ワイス症候群, マロリーワイスショウコウグン, マロリーワイスレッショウ, ショクドウイセツゴウブレッショウシュッケツショウコウグン, 食道胃接合部裂傷出血症候群 |
Swedish |
Mallory-Weiss syndrom
Czech |
Malloryho-Weissův syndrom, Syndrom Mallory-Weissův, Mallory-Weissův syndrom, ezofagogastrická trhlina |
Finnish |
Mallory-Weissin oireyhtymä
Russian |
Korean |
위-식도 열상-출혈 증후군
Polish |
Uszkodzenie połączenia przełyku z żołądkiem, Zespół Boerhaave'a, Zespół Mallory'ego-Weissa |
Hungarian |
Gastrooesophagealis laceratio-vérzés syndroma, Gastro-oesophagealis laceratio-vérzés tünetegyüttes, Gastrooesophagealis laceratio-vérzés szindróma, Mallory Weiss hasadék, Mallory-Weiss syndroma |
Norwegian |
Mallory-Weiss’ syndrom