II. Epidemiology
- Occurs in summer months (may be epidemic)
- Preschool children and their siblings
III. Pathophysiology
- Fecal-oral transmission
IV. Etiology
- Coxsackie Virus
- Echovirus
VI. Signs
- Non-toxic appearance
- Multiple small 1-2 mm Vesicle or ulcers
- Soft Palate, posterior pharynx, Tonsillar Pillars and uvula
- Spares the anterior pharynx
- Contrast Hand Foot and Mouth Disease which spares the posterior pharynx
- No skin lesions
- Unlike Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
VII. Differential Diagnosis
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
- Vesicles in anterior pharynx, sparing posterior pharynx
- Aphthous Ulcer
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
- External Vesicles are only seen with HSV (not with Herpangina or Hand Foot and Mouth Disease)
VIII. Course
- Illness of 1 week duration with rare complication