II. General
- Portions of physical performed at separate stations
- Separate Room for each station
- May see as many as 35 patients per hour
III. Approach: Room 1 - Sign in (Staff with coach or volunteer)
- Sign-In
- Record demographics
IV. Approach: Room 2 - History Review
- Filled out by Parent and athlete
- Review questions as a group to explain meaning
- Review positive responses with physician
V. Approach: Room 3 - Vital Signs (Nurse or Medical Assistant staffs)
- Height
- Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Rate
- Vision
VI. Approach: Room 4 - Head, Neck, and Skin (Physician staffs)
- Standard Head and Neck Exam
- Contagious skin lesions
VII. Approach: Room 5 - Chest (Physician staffs)
- Cardiac exam
- Heart Murmur
- Heart Rhythm
- Femoral and radial Pulses
- Pulmonary Exam
VIII. Approach: Room 6 - Abdomen (Physician staffs)
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Abdominal masses
- Hernias
- Genitalia
- Tanner Staging
IX. Approach: Room 7 - Orthopedic screen (Physician, PT, trainer staffs)
- Perform Brief Musculoskeletal Exam (2 minutes)
X. Approach: Room 8 - Assessment and Disposition (Physician staffs)
- Integrate exam findings
- Recommend
- Further evaluation
- Competitive status
- Counsel
- Obtain Phone number for follow-ups