II. Definition: Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Defective development of ovaries or Testes
- Associated with excess Pituitary Gonadotropin secretion
- Results in delayed Sexual Development and Growth Delay
III. Etiology
- Gonads deficient in sex Hormone production
- Testes produce less Testosterone
- Ovaries produce less estogen
Hypothalamus and pituitary responds
- Increased gonadotropin release (FSH, LH)
IV. Causes
- Variants of Ovarian and Testicular Dysgenesis
- Male: Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)
- Female: Turner's Syndrome (XO)
- Gonadal Toxins (Chemotherapy/Radiation)
- Cytotoxic drugs (e.g. Chemotherapy)
- Glucocorticoids
- Enzyme defects
- Female: 17 alpha hydroxylase deficiency
- Male: 17 ketosteroid reductase deficiency
- Androgen Insensitivity (Testicular feminization)
- Miscellaneous
- Mumps
- Pelvic radiation
- Gonadal failure (in adults)