II. Document: History:
- This __ year old G_ P___ with ED+C __/__/__
- delivered at __ weeks gestation
- a ____ gram (sex) infant
- with Apgars of __ and __ at 1 and 5 min
- at __:__ on __/__/__.
III. Document: Pregnancy was complicated by:
IV. Document: Dictated from Admission Note:
- History of present illness
- Prenatal course
- Prenatal Labs
- Medications
- Medication Allergies
- Family History
- Past medical history
- Initial physical exam
V. Document: Stage 1 (date and time of onset, Stage duration):
- Monitors and tracings
- External Fetal Monitor or Fetal Scalp Electrode
- Fetal Heart Tracing variability
- Fetal heart accelerations (long term variability)
- Beat to beat variability by fetal scalp electrode
- Signs of Fetal Distress by Fetal Heart Tracing
- Variable Decelerations
- Late Decelerations
- Fetal Tachycardia
- Fetal Bradycardia
- Diminished Fetal Heart Rate variability
- Adequate contraction pattern by Tocometry
- Frequency and subjective intensity of contractions
- Montevideo Units by intrauterine pressure catheter
Labor Induction or augmentation
- Cervical Ripening with Prostaglandin gels
- Pitocin: Maximum units/hour used
- Complications
Labor Anesthesia
- Intravenous Narcotics (e.g. Nubain, Fentanyl)
- Intrathecal Morphine or Epidural Anesthesia
Rupture of Membranes (SROM or AROM)
- Time and duration of Rupture of Membranes
- Amniotic fluid color
- Presence of thick particulate meconium
VI. Document: Stage 2 (Date and time of onset, Stage duration):
- Monitors and tracings
- Labor Anesthesia
- Complications
- Nuchal cord
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Delivery type
- Repeat History Line above noting
- Maternal age with Gravida and Parity
- Gestational age, weight, and Sex
- Fetal Vertex Position
- APGAR Score
- Time and date of delivery
- Episiotomy or Perineal Laceration
- Midline or mediolateral episiotomy
- Degree of perineal Laceration (first to fourth)
- Suture Used (Vicryl, Chromic, Dexon)
Neonatal Resuscitation
- Suction at perineum and at warmer
- Intubation
- Delee suction
- Bulb suction
- Oxygen
- Positive Pressure Ventilations
- Chest Compressions
- Resuscitation medications
- Suction at perineum and at warmer
VII. Document: Stage 3 (Date and time of onset, Stage duration)
- Placenta delivered intact with 3 vessel cord
- Pitocin amount given IM or Infused
VIII. Document: Summary
- Total Labor Time:
- Estimated Blood Loss (300 cc is common)
- Attending at delivery:
- Condition of Mother and baby after delivery