II. Category

  1. First synthetic Absorbable Suture (1970)

III. See Also

IV. Indications

  1. Subcutaneous and intraoral closure

V. Background: Absorption (Hydrolysis)

  1. Tensile and knot strength roughly equivalent to Vicryl
  2. Day 7: 60% of tensile strength retained
  3. Day 15: 20% of tensile strength
  4. Day 28: 5% of tensile strength
  5. Day 90 to 120: Suture completely absorbed

VI. Preparations

  1. Monofilament
    1. Stiff, and difficult to handle
  2. Braided Dexon
    1. Easier to handle
  3. Dexon Plus (synthetic coat)
    1. Eases knot tying and tissue passage

VII. References

  1. Howell (1997) Emerg Med Clin North Am 15(2):417-25 [PubMed]
  2. Moy (1991) Am Fam Physician 44(6):2123-8 [PubMed]
  3. Epperson in Pfenninger and Fowler (1994) Procedures for Primary Care Physicians, Mosby, Chicago, p. 3-11
  4. Townsend (2001) Sabiston Textbook Surgery, p. 1552-3

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