II. Background

  1. Twenty question survey completed by patient
  2. Likert Scale Format
  3. Asks half of questions positively and half negatively
    1. Negative Example: "I notice that I am losing weight"
    2. Positive Example: "I eat as much as I used to"
  4. Answers scored on 1 to 4 scale
    1. Minimal: None or a little of the time
    2. Severe: Most or all of the time

III. Questions (each answer scored between 1 to 4)

  1. Depressed mood
  2. Morning symptoms
  3. Crying
  4. Insomnia
  5. Diminished Appetite
  6. Weight loss
  7. Sexual interest
  8. Constipation
  9. Palpitations
  10. Fatigue
  11. Clouded reasoning
  12. Difficulty with completing tasks
  13. Difficult decision making
  14. Restlessness
  15. Lack of hope
  16. Irritability
  17. Diminished self esteem
  18. Life satisfaction
  19. Suicidal Ideation
  20. Anhedonia

IV. Interpretation

  1. Raw score converted to 100 point scale (SDS Index)
    1. SDS Index = (Raw Score / 80 total points) x 100
    2. SDS Index = Raw Score x 1.25
  2. SDS Index Score
    1. Score <50: Normal
    2. Score <60: Mild depression
    3. Score <70: Moderate or Marked Major Depression
    4. Score >70: Severe or Extreme Major Depression

VI. Resources

  1. University of Massachusetts Psychiatry Scales
    1. http://healthnet.umassmed.edu/mhealth/mhscales.cfm

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English SDS-Zung self-rating depr scal, Zung self-rating depress scale, SDS - Zung self-rating depression scale, Zung self-rating depression scale, Zung self-rating depression scale (assessment scale), Zungs Self Rating Depression Scale
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