II. Scoring
- Score 0: No Action Needed
- Score 1: Needs Action, but not immediately
- Score 2: Needs Immediate Action
III. Criteria: Assign 0-2 points for each item using scoring system above
- Home
- How does family get along?
- Child protection?
- Violence?
- Education
- School Grades?
- School Absences?
- Activities and Peers
- How are friend relationships?
- What do you enjoy doing?
- Bullying?
- Drugs and Alcohol
- How often do you use drugs or Alcohol?
- Do you have thoughts of killing yourself?
- How would you kill yourself?
- Have your thoughts of Suicide or plan changed?
- Emotions and Behaviors
- How have you been feeling recently?
- Are there any bad thoughts you cannot stop thinking about?
- Do you get into trouble at home, school or with the police?
- Discharge Resources
- Are you seeing a counselor or getting other help?
IV. Interpretation
- Total Score >=8 and Suicidality score 2
- Predicts inpatient admission
V. Resources