II. Epidemiology
- Rare
III. Pathophysiology
- Secondary Granulomatous inflammatory reaction to chronic genitourinary infection in Immunocompromised patients
- Associated with chronic infections (e.g. E. coli and other Gram Negatives)
- Infections may involve the Kidney and Retroperitoneum, Bladder, Prostate, ureter, Kidney, and female genital tract
IV. Labs
- Hallmark finding is foamy histiocytes with Basophilic inclusions (Michaelis-Gutmann bodies)
V. Management
- Treated with Antibiotics and surgical excision, correction of Immunosuppression
- Antibiotic management with Ciprofloxacin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- Concurrent management with Bethanechol chloride which improves Antibiotic efficacy