II. Pathophysiology

  1. Gram Negative Rod, pleomorphic
  2. Unlike Rickettsia
    1. Not obligate intracellular organism (but is facultative intracellular)
    2. Not anaerobic (Bartonella is obligate aerobe)

III. Associated Conditions

  1. Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella Henselae)
    1. Cats (>50% infected) transmit the infection via biting or clawing humans
    2. Cats acquire via fleas
    3. Self limited infection in immunocompetent hosts, for whom Antibiotics are limited to moderate cases
  2. Bacillary Angiomatosis (Bartonella Henselae, Bartonella Quintana)
    1. Occurs in AIDS (CD4 Count <100 cells/mm3) and other Immunocompromised patients
    2. Vascular skin lesions similar to Kaposi's Sarcoma
    3. Dissemination to bone, CNS, mucous membranes as well as endocarditis and liver (Bacillary Peliosis)
  3. Bacterial Endocarditis (Bartonella Henselae, Bartonella Quintana)
    1. Common cause of culture negative endocarditis (esp. in homeless, see Trench Fever below)
  4. Trench Fever (Bartonella Quintana, previously known as Rickettsia Quintana or Rochalimaea quintana)
    1. Affected millions in World War I
    2. Similar to Epidemic Typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii), as spread via Body Lice
    3. Seen in homeless or Alcoholic patients with Body Lice (which transmit infection)
    4. Presents with Relapsing Fever (every 5 days), Headaches, back and Leg Pain, Splenomegaly and variably, rash
    5. Complicated by bacteremia, Bacillary Angiomatosis or endocarditis
  5. Oroya Fever (Bartonella Bacilliformis)
    1. Infection endemic to Andes of Peru and Ecuador, transmitted by the sandfly
    2. Acute phase with Lymphadenopathy and severe Hemolytic Anemia
    3. Chronic phase (Peruvian Wart, Verruga Peruana) with red-purple Nodules in skin and mucous membranes

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Related Studies

Ontology: Bartonella (C0004770)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Bartonella genus level.
Definition (NCI) A genus of aerobic, Gram-negative, rod shaped bacterium assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Bartonellaceae.
Definition (MSH) A genus of gram-negative bacteria characteristically appearing in chains of several segmenting organisms. It occurs in man and arthropod vectors and is found only in the Andes region of South America. This genus is the etiologic agent of human bartonellosis. The genus Rochalimaea, once considered a separate genus, has recently been combined with the genus Bartonella as a result of high levels of relatedness in 16S rRNA sequence data and DNA hybridization data.
Definition (CSP) genus of gram negative bacteria characteristically appearing in chains of several segmenting organisms; occurs in man and arthropod vectors; etiologic agent of human bartonellosis, bacillary angiomatosis, trench fever and cat scratch disease; the genus Rochalimaea, once considered a separate genus, has been combined with the genus Bartonella as a result of high levels of relatedness.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D001473
SnomedCT 62496009, 112354006, 72051005, 243364004, 51988009
English Bartonella, Rochalimaea, Genus Bartonella (organism), bartonella, rochalimaea, Grahamella (organism), Bartonella (organism), Rochalimaea, NOS, Rochalimea, NOS (organism), BARTONELLA, Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Birtles et al. 1995, Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Brenner et al. 1993, Grahamella (ex Brumpt 1911) Ristic and Kreier 1984, Grahmia, Rocha-Limae, Rochalimaea (Macchiavello 1947) Krieg 1961, Grahamella, Rochalimea, Bartonella, NOS, Grahamella, NOS, Rochalimea, NOS -RETIRED-, Genus Bartonella
French Rochalimaea, Bartonelle, Bartonella
Swedish Bartonella
Czech Bartonella
Spanish Bartonella (organismo), Grahamella, género Bartonella (organismo), Rochalimaea, género Bartonella, Rochalimaea - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo), Grahamella (concepto no activo), Rochalimaea - RETIRADO -, Bartonella
Finnish Bartonella
Polish Bartonella
Japanese バルトネラ, Bartonella属, バルトネラ属, ロカリメア, ロシャメリア
Norwegian Bartonella, Rochalimaea
German Bartonella, Rochalimaea
Italian Bartonella
Dutch Bartonella, Rochalimaea
Portuguese Bartonella, Rochalimaea

Ontology: Bartonella Infections (C0004771)

Definition (NCI) A gram-negative bacterial infection caused by Bartonella bacilliformis. It is transmitted by ticks, flies and mosquitoes. Signs and symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, enlargement of the lymph nodes and anemia.
Definition (MSH) Infections by the genus BARTONELLA. Bartonella bacilliformis can cause acute febrile anemia, designated Oroya fever, and a benign skin eruption, called verruga peruana. BARTONELLA QUINTANA causes TRENCH FEVER, while BARTONELLA HENSELAE is the etiologic agent of bacillary angiomatosis (ANGIOMATOSIS, BACILLARY) and is also one of the causes of CAT-SCRATCH DISEASE in immunocompetent patients.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D001474
ICD9 088.0
ICD10 A44 , A44.9
SnomedCT 17116008, 186824002, 187340003, 240623002, 240454008, 266123003
English Bartonelloses, Bartonellosis, Carrion Disease, Carrion's Disease, Carrions Disease, Disease, Carrion, Infection, Bartonella, Infections, Bartonella, Disease, Carrion's, Infection, Rochalimaea, Infections, Rochalimaea, Rochalimaea Infection, Rochalimaea Infections, Bartonellosis, unspecified, [X]Bartonellosis, unspecified, BARTONELLA INFECT, ROCHALIMAEA INFECT, CARRION DIS, CARRIONS DIS, INFECT ROCHALIMAEA, INFECT BARTONELLA, bartonelliasis, Bartonella Infections, bartonellosis, Carrion's disease, bartonellosis (diagnosis), bartonellosis (Carrion's disease), Bartonella Infection, Bartonella Infections [Disease/Finding], carrion's disease, [X]Bartonellosis, unspecified (disorder), Carrion's disease (disorder), Rochalimaea infection (disorder), Bartonella infections, Bartonella infection, Guaitara fever, Rochalimaea infection, Bartonellosis (disorder), Bartonella; infection, infection; Bartonella, Bartonellosis (disorder) [Ambiguous]
French Infection à Rochalimaea, Bartonellose, Infections à Bartonella, Bartonelloses, Infections à Rochalimaea, Infections à bartonelles, Maladie de Carrion
German Rochalimaea-Infektion, Bartonellose, nicht naeher bezeichnet, Bartonellose, Infektionen durch Bartonella, Bartonellainfektionen, Bartonellosis, Carrion-Krankheit, Rochalimaeainfektionen
Italian Infezione da Rochalimaea, Infezioni da Rochalimaea, Malattia di Carrion, Bartonellosi, Infezioni da Bartonella
Portuguese Infecção por Rochalimaea, Bartonelose, Doença de Carrion, Infecções por Bartonella, Infecções por Rochalimae
Spanish Infección por Rochalimaea, [X]bartonelosis, no especificada (trastorno), enfermedad de Carrion, infección por Rochalimaea, infección por Rochalimaea (trastorno), enfermedad de Carrión, enfermedad de Carrión (trastorno), [X]bartonelosis, no especificada, bartonelosis (concepto no activo), bartonelosis (trastorno), bartonelosis, fiebre de Guaitara, Bartonelosis, Infecciones por Bartonella, Enfermedad de Carrion, Infecciones por Rochalimaea
Japanese ロシャリメア感染, バルトネラ感染, バルトネラカンセン, ロシャリメアカンセン, バルトネラショウ, カリオン病, バルトネラ感染症, Carrion病, オロヤ熱, バルトネラ症, ロカリメア感染症, ペルー疣症, ペルーいぼ病
Swedish Bartonellainfektioner
Czech Bartonella - infekce, Infekce způsobené bartonelami, Infekce způsobená rochalimaeami, Bartonelóza
Finnish Bartonelloosit
Korean 상세불명의 바르토넬라증, 바르토넬라증
Polish Bartoneloza, Zakażenie Bartonella, Gorączka Oroya, Brodawczakowatość peruwiańska, Zakażenie pałeczką Bartonella
Hungarian Bartonellosis, Bartonella fertőzések, Rochalimaea fertőzés
Norwegian Carrions sykdom, Rochalimaeainfeksjoner, Bartonellose, Bartonellainfeksjoner
Dutch Bartonella; infectie, infectie; Bartonella, Bartonellose, niet gespecificeerd, bartonellosis, Bartonellose, Bartonella-infectie, Bartonella-infecties, Bartonellosis, Carrion, ziekte van, Infectie, Bartonella-, Infecties, bartonella-, Rochalimaea-infectie, Ziekte van Carrion

Ontology: Bartonellaceae (C0004772)

Definition (NCI) A taxonomic family of pathogenic bacterium in the phylum Proteobacteria that includes the genus Bartonella.
Definition (MSH) A family of small gram-negative bacteria whose organisms are parasites of erythrocytes in man and other vertebrates and the etiologic agents of several diseases.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D001475
SnomedCT 115085000
English Bartonellaceae, Bartonella group, Bartonellaceae Gieszczykiewicz 1939 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Brenner et al. 1993, Family Bartonellaceae (organism), Family Bartonellaceae
Swedish Bartonellaceae
Czech Bartonellaceae
Finnish Bartonellaceae
French Bartonellacées, Bartonellaceae
Polish Bartonellaceae
Norwegian Bartonellaceae
Spanish familia Bartonellaceae (organismo), familia Bartonellaceae, Bartonellaceae
German Bartonellaceae
Italian Bartonellaceae
Dutch Bartonellaceae, Bartonellaceeën
Portuguese Bartonellaceae

Ontology: Oroya Fever (C0029307)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D001474
ICD10 A44.0
SnomedCT 262461007, 240453002, 186824002, 17116008
English Fever, Oroya, Carrion's disease, Oroya fever (diagnosis), Cat Scratch Fevers, Fevers, Cat Scratch, Cat Scratch Fever, Fever, Cat Scratch, Scratch Fever, Cat, Scratch Fevers, Cat, Oroya Fever, Cat scratch fever, Oroya fever, Infection by Bartonella bacilliformis, Infection by Bartonella bacilliformis (disorder), Oroya fever (disorder), Oroya; fever, fever; Oroya
Portuguese Febre de Oroya
Spanish Fiebre de Oroya, enfermedad de Carrion, fiebre de Oroya (trastorno), fiebre de Oroya, infección por Bartonella bacilliformis (trastorno), infección por Bartonella bacilliformis
French Fièvre d'Oroya
German Oroya-Fieber
Italian CSD, Febbre di Oroya, Malattia da graffio del gatto
Norwegian Oroya-feber, Katteklorfeber
Dutch Oroya; koorts, koorts; Oroya, Oroya-koorts

Ontology: Bartonella quintana (bacteria) (C0035791)

Definition (NCI) A species of Gram-negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This species is nonmotile, oxidase positive, indole and urease negative, and nonhemolytic. B. quintana causes trench fever.
Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to the species Bartonella quintana.
Definition (MSH) A species of gram-negative bacteria in which man is the primary host and the human body louse, Pediculus humanus, the principal vector. It is the etiological agent of TRENCH FEVER.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D018413
SnomedCT 112355007, 103511001
LNC LP14387-2
English Rochalimaea quintana, Rickettsia quintana, Bartonella quintana, Bartonella quintana (bacteria), Burnetia (Rocha-limae) wolhynica, Rochalimaea quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961 (Approved Lists 1980), Bartonella quintana (Schmincke 1917) Brenner et al. 1993, Rickettsia pediculi, Rickettsia weigli, Rickettsia wolhynica, Wolhynia qintanae, Rochalimea quintana (organism), ROCHALIMAEA QUINTANA, BARTONELLA QUINTANA, Bartonella quintana (organism), Rochalimea quintana -RETIRED-
French Rochalimaea quintana, Bartonella quintana, Rickettsia quintana
Swedish Bartonella quintana
Czech Bartonella quintana, Rochalimaea quintana, Rickettsia quintana
Finnish Bartonella quintana
Italian Rochalimaea quintana, Rickettsia quintana, Bartonella quintana
Japanese 五日熱リケッチア, ロシャリメア・クインターナ, ウォリニー熱リケッチア, 塹壕熱リケッチア, 塹壕熱ロカメリア, ざんごう熱リケッチア
Polish Rickettsia quintana, Rochalimaea quintana, Bartonella quintana
Spanish Rochalimaea quintana - RETIRADO -, Rochalimaea quintana - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo), Bartonella quintana (organismo), Bartonella quintana, Rickettsia quintana, Rochalimaea quintana
Norwegian Bartonella quintana, Rochalimaea quintana, Rickettsia quintana
German Bartonella quintana, Rickettsia quintana, Rochalimaea quintana
Dutch Bartonella quintana, Rochalimaea quintana
Portuguese Bartonella quintana, Rickettsia quintana, Rochalimaea quintana

Ontology: Trench Fever (C0040830)

Definition (MSH) An intermittent fever characterized by intervals of chills, fever, and splenomegaly each of which may last as long as 40 hours. It is caused by BARTONELLA QUINTANA and transmitted by the human louse.
Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D014205
ICD9 083.1
ICD10 A79.0
SnomedCT 82214002
English Fevers, Trench, Trench Fever, Trench Fevers, Fever, Trench, trench fever, five day fever, trench fever (diagnosis), trench fever (rickettsia quintana), fever due to Bartonella quintana, Rochalimaea quintana infection, Trench Fever [Disease/Finding], Quintan fever, Trench fever, Fever due to Rochalimaea quintana, Wolhynian fever, Febris quintata, Five day fever, Fever due to Bartonella quintana, Trench fever (disorder), His-Werner, febris; quintana, fever; quintan, fever; trench fever, fever; trench, fever; wolhynian, quintan; fever, quintana; febris, trench fever; fever, trench; fever, wolhynian fever, wolhynian; fever
Dutch Rochalimaea quintana-infectie, Wolhynia; koorts, febris; quintana, fever; trench, koorts; Wolhynia, koorts; loopgravenkoorts, koorts; vijfdedaagse, loopgravenkoorts; koorts, quintana; febris, trench; fever, vijfdedaagse; koorts, loopgravenkoorts, Koorts, loopgraven-, Loopgravenkoorts
French Infection à Rochalimaea quintana, Fièvre aigüe tibialgique, Fièvre aiguë tibialgique, Fièvre quintane, Fièvre des tranchées, Fièvre de Volhynie, Fièvre de Volkynee, Fièvre de la Meuse, Fièvre des cinq jours, Fièvre quinte
German Rochalimaea quintana-Infektion, Schuetzengrabenfieber, Febris quintana, Wolhynisches Fieber, Fünftagefieber
Italian Infezione da Rochalimaea quintana, Febbre delle trincee
Portuguese Infecção quintana por Rochalimaea, Febre das trincheiras, Febre das Trincheiras
Spanish Infección por Rochalimaea quintana, fiebre de las trincheras (trastorno), fiebre de las trincheras, fiebre de los cinco días, fiebre por Bartonella quintana, fiebre por Rochalimaea quintana, fiebre quintana, Fiebre de las trincheras, Fiebre de las Trincheras
Japanese ざんごう熱, ロシャリメア・クインターナ感染症, ザンゴウネツ, ロシャリメアクインターナカンセンショウ
Swedish Skyttegravsfeber
Czech zákopová horečka, volyňská horečka, Infekce způsobená Rochalimaea quintana, Zákopová horečka
Finnish Ampumahautakuume
Korean 참호열
Polish Gorączka okopowa, Gorączka wołyńska, Gorączka pięciodniowa, Gorączka mozelska
Hungarian Rochalimaea quintana fertőzés, lövészárok láz
Norwegian Febris quintana, Skyttergravsfeber

Ontology: Verruga Peruana (C0042552)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
MSH D001474
ICD10 A44.1
SnomedCT 186824002, 240455009, 17116008
Portuguese Verruga Peruana
Spanish Verruga Peruana, verruga peruana (trastorno), verruga peruana
French Verruga du Pérou, Pian hémorragique
German Verruga peruana, Verruca peruvana
English verruga peruana (diagnosis), verruga peruana, Verruga peruana, Verruga peruana (disorder), Verruga Peruana
Italian Verruca peruviana
Norwegian Verruga peruana
Dutch Verruga Peruana

Ontology: Bartonella henselae (bacteria) (C0242631)

Definition (NCI_CDISC) Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to the species Bartonella henselae.
Definition (NCI) A species of aerobic, Gram-negative, rod shaped bacteria assigned to the phylum Proteobacteria. This species is non-motile, oxidase, catalase, indole, and urease negative and is nonhemolytic. B. henselae is the primary agent of cat scratch disease.
Definition (MSH) A species of gram-negative bacteria that is the etiologic agent of bacillary angiomatosis (ANGIOMATOSIS, BACILLARY). This organism can also be a cause of CAT-SCRATCH DISEASE in immunocompetent patients.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D018416
SnomedCT 112357004, 103510000
LNC LP14083-7
English Rochalimaea henselae, Bartonella henselae, Bartonella henselae (bacteria), bartonella henselae, rochalimaea henselae, Bartonella henselae (Regnery et al. 1992) Brenner et al. 1993, Rochalimaea henselae Regnery et al. 1992, Rochalimea henselae (organism), ROCHALIMAEA HENSELAE, BARTONELLA HENSELAE, Bartonella henselae (organism), Rochalimea henselae -RETIRED-
French Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henseleae
Swedish Bartonella henselae
Czech Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae
Finnish Bartonella henselae
Italian Rochalimaea henselae, Bartonella henselae
Polish Rochalimaea henselae, Bartonella henselae
Spanish Rochalimaea henselae - RETIRADO -, Rochalimaea henselae - RETIRADO - (concepto no activo), Bartonella henselae (organismo), Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae
Norwegian Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae
German Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae
Dutch Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae
Portuguese Bartonella henselae, Rochalimaea henselae

Ontology: Bartonella bacilliformis (bacteria) (C0318324)

Definition (MSH) The type species of the genus BARTONELLA, a gram-negative bacteria found in humans. It is found in the mountain valleys of Peru, Ecuador, and Southwest Columbia where the sandfly (see PHLEBOTOMUS) vector is present. It causes OROYA FEVER and VERRUGA PERUANA.
Concepts Bacterium (T007)
MSH D045503
SnomedCT 51988009, 243352007
Swedish Bartonella bacilliformis
Czech Bartonella bacilliformis
English Bartonella bacilliformis (bacteria), Bartonia bacilliformis, Bartonella bacilliformis (Strong et al. 1913) Strong et al. 1915, Bartonella bacilliformis (living organism) (organism), BARTONELLA BACILLIFORMIS, Bartonella bacilliformis, Bartonella bacilliformis (organism), Bartonella bacilliformis (living organism) [Ambiguous]
Finnish Bartonella bacilliformis
Polish Bartonella bacilliformis
Spanish Bartonella bacilliformis (organismo vivo), Bartonella bacilliformis (concepto no activo), Bartonella bacilliformis (organismo), Bartonella bacilliformis
Norwegian Bartonella bacilliformis
French Bartonella bacilliformis
German Bartonella bacilliformis
Italian Bartonella bacilliformis
Dutch Bartonella bacilliformis
Portuguese Bartonella bacilliformis

Ontology: Bartonellosis (& [Carrion's disease] or [Oroya fever] or [verruga peruana]) (C1541003)

Concepts Disease or Syndrome (T047)
SnomedCT 186824002
English Bartonellosis (& [Carrion's disease] or [Oroya fever] or [verruga peruana]) (disorder), Bartonellosis (& [Carrion's disease] or [Oroya fever] or [verruga peruana])