III. Mechanism

  1. See Systemic Corticosteroid
  2. Preferred replacement in Adrenal Insufficiency (both Glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid activity)
  3. Hydrocortisone is identical chemically to the Cortisol synthesized by the Adrenal Gland
  4. Short-acting Corticosteroid
  5. Weak mineralcorticoid activity

V. Dosing: General anti-inflammatory dosing

  1. Adult
    1. Parenteral: 100 to 150 mg IV/IM every 2 to 6 hours prn
    2. Oral: 20 to 240 mg/day orally in divided dosing
  2. Child (not standardized in general outside of specific indications)
    1. Oral or IV: 0.5 to 8 mg/kg/day divided every 6 to 8 hours

VI. Dosing: Adrenal Insufficiency

  1. See Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
  2. Adults
    1. Primary: 15 to 25 mg/day orally every 8 to 12 hours (give at least 50% of the dose in the AM)
    2. Acute Crisis: 100 mg IV every 8 hours (or Dexamethasone 4 mg IV)
  3. Children
    1. Primary: 8 mg/m2 divided every 8 to 12 hours
    2. Acute Crisis
      1. Calculated
        1. Weight: 1 to 2 mg/kg IV every 8 hours
        2. BSA: 50 to 100 mg/m2 IV load then 50 to 100 mg/m2/day divided every 6 hours
      2. Age
        1. Newborns: 12.5 mg IV
        2. Infants and young children: 25 mg IV
        3. School Aged Children: 50 mg IV
        4. Teens (same as adult dosing): 100 mg IV

VII. Dosing: Stress Dose Steroid

  1. See Stress Dose Steroid
  2. See Perioperative Corticosteroid
  3. Indication: Acute severe illness (critically ill such as Septic Shock)
    1. Serum Cortisol <15 to 34 mcg/dl
    2. Cortisol <9 after Corticotropin Stimulation Test
  4. Hydrocortisone
    1. Adults: 50 mg IV or IM q6 hours (or 3x the chronic dose)
    2. Children: 1 to 2 mg/kg IV every 8 hours
  5. Consider adding fludricortisone 50 mcg daily for 7 days (for additional mineralcorticoid activity)
  6. Taper stress dosing over 10-14 days

VIII. Pharmacokinetics

  1. Low potency and low anti-inflammatory activity
  2. Has Mineralocorticoid activity
  3. High mineralcorticoid activity (effect on Sodium and water retention)
  4. Short Half-Life (8-12 hours)

IX. Adverse Effects

X. Safety

  1. Unknown safety in pregnancy
  2. Avoid in Lactation

XII. References

  1. LoVecchio (2022) Crit Dec Emerg Med 36(11): 32

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Cost: Medications

hydrocortisone (on 12/21/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
HYDROCORTISONE 0.5% CREAM Generic OTC $0.05 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE 1% CREAM Generic $0.10 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE 1% OINTMENT Generic $0.15 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE 10 MG TABLET Generic $0.29 each
HYDROCORTISONE 100 MG/60 ML Generic $0.16 per ml
HYDROCORTISONE 2.5% CREAM Generic $0.11 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE 2.5% LOTION Generic $0.19 per ml
HYDROCORTISONE 2.5% OINTMENT Generic $0.10 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE 20 MG TABLET Generic $0.38 each
HYDROCORTISONE BUTY 0.1% CREAM Generic $2.04 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE VAL 0.2% CREAM Generic $0.60 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE VAL 0.2% OINTMT Generic $3.20 per gram
HYDROCORTISONE-ALOE 1% CREAM Generic OTC $0.06 per gram
solu-cortef (on 1/1/2022 at Medicaid.Gov Survey of pharmacy drug pricing)
SOLU-CORTEF 100 MG ACT-O-VIAL $17.70 each
SOLU-CORTEF 100 MG VIAL $13.12 each