II. Indications

III. Contraindications

  1. Avoid under age 6 months old (risk of toxicity)

IV. Mechanism

  1. Suffocates lice
  2. Other uses include buffering Lidocaine

V. Medications

  1. Lotion: 5%

VI. Dosing

  1. Apply to dry hair, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse
  2. Repeat again in 7 days
  3. Requires nit combing (see Lice)

VII. Safety

  1. Pregnancy Category B
  2. Considered safe in Lactation

VIII. Efficacy

  1. Comparable efficacy to first-line lice treatments at 3 times the cost (>$450 per bottle in 2019)
  2. Price is even higher in long hair (more product required)

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